Nykakin / chompjs

Parsing JavaScript objects into Python data structures
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Transforms JavaScript objects into Python data structures.

In web scraping, you sometimes need to transform Javascript objects embedded in HTML pages into valid Python dictionaries. chompjs is a library designed to do that as a more powerful replacement of standard json.loads:

>>> chompjs.parse_js_object("{a: 100}")
{'a': 100}
>>> json_lines = """
... {'a': 12}
... {'b': 13}
... {'c': 14}
... """
>>> for entry in chompjs.parse_js_objects(json_lines):
...     print(entry)
{'a': 12}
{'b': 13}
{'c': 14}

Reference documentation


1. installation

> pip install chompjs

or build from source:

$ git clone https://github.com/Nykakin/chompjs
$ cd chompjs
$ python setup.py build
$ python setup.py install


There are two functions available:

An example usage with scrapy:

import chompjs
import scrapy

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):
    # ...

    def parse(self, response):
        script_css = 'script:contains("__NEXT_DATA__")::text'
        script_pattern = r'__NEXT_DATA__ = (.*);'
        # warning: for some pages you need to pass replace_entities=True
        # into re_first to have JSON escaped properly
        script_text = response.css(script_css).re_first(script_pattern)
            json_data = chompjs.parse_js_object(script_text)
        except ValueError:
            self.log('Failed to extract data from {}'.format(response.url))

        # work on json_data

Parsing of JSON5 objects is supported:

>>> data = """
... {
...   // comments
...   unquoted: 'and you can quote me on that',
...   singleQuotes: 'I can use "double quotes" here',
...   lineBreaks: "Look, Mom! \
... No \\n's!",
...   hexadecimal: 0xdecaf,
...   leadingDecimalPoint: .8675309, andTrailing: 8675309.,
...   positiveSign: +1,
...   trailingComma: 'in objects', andIn: ['arrays',],
...   "backwardsCompatible": "with JSON",
... }
... """
>>> chompjs.parse_js_object(data)
{'unquoted': 'and you can quote me on that', 'singleQuotes': 'I can use "double quotes" here', 'lineBreaks': "Look, Mom! No \n's!", 'hexadecimal': 912559, 'leadingDecimalPoint': 0.8675309, 'andTrailing': 8675309.0, 'positiveSign': '+1', 'trailingComma': 'in objects', 'andIn': ['arrays'], 'backwardsCompatible': 'with JSON'}

If the input string is not yet escaped and contains a lot of \\ characters, then unicode_escape=True argument might help to sanitize it:

>>> chompjs.parse_js_object('{\\\"a\\\": 12}', unicode_escape=True)
{'a': 12}

By default chompjs tries to start with first { or [ character it founds, omitting the rest:

>>> chompjs.parse_js_object('<div>...</div><script>foo = [1, 2, 3];</script><div>...</div>')
[1, 2, 3]

Post-processed input is parsed using json.loads by default. A different loader such as orsjon can be used with loader argument:

>>> import orjson
>>> import chompjs
>>> chompjs.parse_js_object("{'a': 12}", loader=orjson.loads)
{'a': 12}

loader_args and loader_kwargs arguments can be used to pass options to underlying loader function. For example for default json.loads you can pass down options such as strict or object_hook:

>>> import decimal
>>> import chompjs
>>> chompjs.parse_js_object('[23.2]', loader_kwargs={'parse_float': decimal.Decimal})


In web scraping data often is not present directly inside HTML, but instead provided as an embedded JavaScript object that is later used to initialize the page, for example:

<script type="text/javascript">window.__PRELOADED_STATE__={"foo": "bar"}</script>

Standard library function json.loads is usually sufficient to extract this data:

>>> # scrapy shell file:///tmp/test.html
>>> import json
>>> script_text = response.css('script:contains(__PRELOADED_STATE__)::text').re_first('__PRELOADED_STATE__=(.*)')
>>> json.loads(script_text)
{u'foo': u'bar'}

The problem is that not all valid JavaScript objects are also valid JSONs. For example all those strings are valid JavaScript objects but not valid JSONs:

As a result, json.loads fail to extract any of those:

>>> json.loads("{'a': 'b'}")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Expecting property name: line 1 column 2 (char 1)
>>> json.loads('{a: "b"}')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Expecting property name: line 1 column 2 (char 1)
>>> json.loads('{"a": [1, 2, 3,]}')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded
>>> json.loads('{"a": .99}')
Traceback (most recent call last):
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 7 (char 6)

chompjs library was designed to bypass this limitation, and it allows to scrape such JavaScript objects into proper Python dictionaries:

>>> import chompjs
>>> chompjs.parse_js_object("{'a': 'b'}")
{'a': 'b'}
>>> chompjs.parse_js_object('{a: "b"}')
{'a': 'b'}
>>> chompjs.parse_js_object('{"a": [1, 2, 3,]}')
{'a': [1, 2, 3]}
>>> chompjs.parse_js_object('{"a": .99}')
{'a': 0.99}

Internally chompjs use a parser written in C to iterate over raw string, fixing its issues along the way. The final result is then passed down to standard library's json.loads, ensuring a high speed as compared to full-blown JavaScript parsers such as demjson.

>>> import json
>>> import _chompjs
>>> _chompjs.parse('{a: 1}')
>>> json.loads(_)
{'a': 1}


Pull requests are welcome.

To run unittests

$ tox