O-KAYgorodov / TF2pdf

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This script can extract content from any http://tensorflow.com/api_docs page. If page has another http://tensorflow.com/api_docs they will be processed too.

main.py main.py has main function and some other functions. gethtmltextfromlink(link) - gets url and returns text of html page startTFRecurcive(htmlbodystring) - function to start recurcive function recurciveTFContentExtractor(htmlbodystring, div_name ='', link_dict = {}) - this funcion takes string of a web-page and makes from many html pages with cross-referenced links one big with internal links

html_parcer.py This file has a html_class definition. It has only two methods: init - method to create class getHTMLString - returnes modified html And 6 members: _prefix, _head, _body, _postfix - parts of html _func_head, _func_body - functions to modify parts of html

Usage: main.py --url -o [--css ] [--page-size <page size to print (A4 for default)>] !!!Do not use quotes!!!

Algorithm: 1.Creates html_parcer object with html string from gethtmltextfromlink(url) and startTFRecurcive as _func_body 2.Starts getHTMLString which starts a recurcive -> big html string 3.Using pdfkit making pdf