OA-PASS / Operations

Repo to house tickets under the purview of operations.
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This will house some information for operational support for the MSEL OA-PASS instance.

Support Information

This is specific to the JHU Libraries implementation of PASS. If we host other institutions' instances, this will probably be relevant to them as well.

SSH Connection to the Environment

See a member of DRCC Operations if you don't already have a public key that's been uploaded to the Operations bastion server.

Once on the server you have access to the following services


Service Location
fcrepo fcrepo-${ENVIRONMENT}.pass.local:8080
elasticsearch elasticsearch-${ENVIRONMENT}.pass.cloud.library.jhu.edu:80

SSH Port Forwarding

Sometimes you just want to use your local workstation as a means of acheiving a goal. With this, you can point your utilities to localhost

OpenSSH cli

This will bind your local port 8080 and tunnel this data over SSH to fcrepo-test.pass.local:8080.

Tips for SSH (OpenSSH cli specific)