OAWest / western.oa-bsa.org

The western.oa-bsa.org website
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Welcome to the public repository for the Western Region, Order of the Arrow. The Western Region consists of 14 sections throughout the Western United States, Hawaii Alaska, and Japan.


The Western Region website uses a static content creator called jekyll. Jekyll is free, open-source, and built upon Ruby. It compiles our html and markdown templates into a static website that can be served via HTTP.

To get started with Jekyll, you'll need:

You should also install the GitHub Desktop, which is a GUI application for using a Git repository with GitHub.

Mac Installation

Xcode Command Line Tools

A pre-requisite for using Jekyll (and Ruby) on OS X is to install the Xcode command line tools. To get started, open up the terminal application found in Applications > Utilities.

$ xcode-select --install

This will prompt you to install the Xcode command line tools. Complete the installation wizard.


Ruby is required for running Jekyll. The good news is that current OS X installations come preloaded with Ruby installed. To verify if Ruby is installed running the following:

$ ruby -v


Once you have Ruby installed you can install the jekyll gem:

$ gem install jekyll

Our website also uses the jekyll-paginate plugin. This is easily installed via:

$ gem install jekyll-paginate


Next, you'll need to install Git:

Download the Git installer and complete the installation wizard.

You should also install the GitHub Desktop application, which is a free Mac tool for using Git and GitHub.


Lastly, you will need to install Node.js:

Download the Macintosh Installer and complete the installation wizard.

Windows Installation


Ruby is required for running Jekyll. The RubyInstaller is an open-source (free) and easy method for installing Ruby on Windows:

Download the appropriate installer (using x64 if you are running Windows with 64-bit) and the latest version. Complete the installation wizard. Be sure to:

Next, we need to install the Ruby Dev Kit for Windows. The same folks who provide the RubyInstaller also have a Windows download:

Download the appropriate installer. You are likely using the latest version of Ruby (greater than 2.0.0), so be sure to grab the installer that indicates 'For use with Ruby 2.0 and above', and choose the x64 option if you are running Windows with 64-bit.


Once you have Ruby installed you can install the Jekyll gem. Again, we will run this command from the Command Prompt. If you run into an error with this command, it is likely because you did not choose the 'Add Ruby executable to PATH' option when you installed Ruby.

> gem install jekyll

Once you run this command you will likely be prompted to allow Ruby to add an exception to the Windows Firewall access control lists.

Once the installation is complete you should see a notification that '14 gems installed'.

Our website also uses the jekyll-paginate plugin. This is easily installed via:

> gem install jekyll-paginate

Once the installation is complete (and it might take a minute or so), you should see a notification that '1 gem installed'.


Next, you'll need to install Git:

Download the Git installer and complete the installation wizard choosing all of the default options.

You should also install the GitHub Desktop application, which is a free Windows tool for using Git and GitHub.


Lastly, you will need to install Node.js:

Download the Windows Installer and complete the installation wizard.

Fork Us

If you have successfully completed the installation requirements then you are ready to fork our repository, clone it locally, and then start contributing.

First, you will need to have a GitHub.com account. You can sign up for free.

Then, visit our repository and click the "Fork" button at the top. This should only take a couple of seconds, then you should be redirect back to your own GitHub account with a new forked copy of our repository.

Your forked repository should live at github.com/{{your_username}}/western.oa-bsa.org. For example, github.com/blove/western.oa-bsa.org.

Next, clone a copy of the forked repository to your computer.

Clone via Command Line

Now that you have your own forked copy of the website repository, you can clone the repository to your local computer.

If you are using OS X then use the terminal to run the git clone command as follows, replacing {{your_username}} with your GitHub username.

$ git clone https://github.com/{{your_username}}/western.oa-bsa.org

If you are using Windows, then you can run the Git Cmd application and execute the command as follows, replacing {{your_username}} with your GitHub username

> git clone https://github.com/{{your_username}}/western.oa-bsa.org

You should now see a new folder (in the current directory where you executed the command) named 'wester.oa-bsa.org'.

Clone via GitHub Desktop Application

Or, if you prefer to use the GitHub Desktop application then it is really easy to clone your forked repository.

When you first launch the GitHub Desktop application you are prompted to authenticate using your GitHub credentials. We highly recommend you do this, as it makes it very easy to clone repositories that are associated with your account (including the forked repository of the western.oa-bsa.org website).

Next, click the + icon in the top-left of the application, and then choose 'Clone'. If you are authenticated, you should see the 'western.oa-bsa.org' repository. Click on it to choose it, then click the large checkbox button at the bottom to 'Clone western.oa-bsa.org'

If you already cloned the repository using the git command line interface, then you can always add the local repository to your GitHub Desktop application. Simply click on the + icon in the top-left of the application, and choose 'Add'. Then, browse to the location of your local Git repository and click the large checkbox button to 'Add repository'


Next, install the grunt command line interface via npm:

npm install -g grunt-cli

If you are on Windows, you will likely need to restart the Command Prompt application so that the grunt command is available in your PATH.

Next, install the node and bower dependencies for the website via.

Mac OS X users should use the following command to install the necessary dependencies, run the grunt tasks, and install the bower dependencies:

$ cd ./western.oa-bsa.org
$ npm install
$ grunt
$ node_modules/.bin/bower install

Windows users will need to first install bower globally via:

npm install -g bower

Once you have bower installed on Windows you can run the following commands using the Git Bash shell to install the necessary dependencies. To start Git bash go to Start > All Apps (or All Programs) > Git > Git Bash. Then execute the following commands:

> cd ./western.oa-bsa.org
> npm install
> grunt

After a second or two you should see the message "Running "Watch" Task Waiting..." Cicking Ctrl+C to contine or the "Waiting..." will never stop.

> bower install

Serve it

Now that you have completed all of the installation steps you are ready to serve up a local copy of the Western Region OA website using jekyll and the built-in HTTP server. If you made it this far, you'll be happy to know that this last step is very easy. Be sure you are in the 'western.oa-bsa.org' folder and run:

jekyll build --incremental jekyll serve --incremental

If this is successful you will see that the website is generated and the server is running on http://localhost:4000. Open up your favorite browser and enter this URL.

Want to help?

It's easy to help us keep the website up to date:

New to Git?

We recommend the short Hello World sample provided by GitHub:

Want to be on the team?

We're always looking for volunteers. Just send us a message on twitter:

Have an issue?

Have a question or want to report an issue with the website? Click on the Issues link, and then click on the New Issue button. We'd love to hear your feedback.