OBKF / Godot-Trail-System

Advanced trail/ribbon plugin for the Godot Engine
MIT License
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Godot Trail System

Advanced 2D/3D Trail system.

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Godot Trail System is an advanced trail/ribbon plugin for the Godot Engine similar to Unity3D's system. The plugin offers full features in 3D and basic 2D functionality (it will be updated later).


Editor Parameters (3D)

*Similar parameters for 2D.*

Using Script

You can use the trail from script to create Vehicle skid marks, Path (see 3D Navigation Mesh demo) and many more.

Example from 3D Navigation Mesh demo

    extends Navigation

    def draw_path():
        var src_points = get_simple_path(begin, end, true)
        for i in range(src_points.size()):
            var normal = get_closest_point_normal(src_points[i]).normalized()
            var offset = normal*0.1
            var _transform = Transform(Basis(normal), src_points[i]+offset)

Showcase (Youtube)

See it in action
