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Some issues with FTS indicator data #90

Open cjhendrix opened 9 years ago

cjhendrix commented 9 years ago

The fts data all has 0s for 2015, which makes the graph not look nice, but they are working.

There are three potential solutions for that kind of display problem that I can think of:

1) CPS will eventually manage all of the ckan information for each indicator, including default sort order, periodicity, etc. We could add a parameter for "default year to display". An option like "last year" would probably solve this problem. Sam is already working on this large piece of work, but it will be a while before he finishes it.

Selected action for this issue 2) Rewrite the scraper to only pull years for which there is at least one non-zero value (or some similar rule).

3) Remove the 2015 data from the file manually and reimport. That will fix the problem for today's release.

Doing #3 now. Suggesting #2 as a data team issue. #1 is underway with Sam and is the long term solution.

cjhendrix commented 9 years ago

Note that this means we should not re-import new FTS data until number 2 is done.

cjhendrix commented 9 years ago

Further note: I talked to Sean Foo and he assures me that this one: https://data.hdx.rwlabs.org/dataset/cap_amount_received should have non-zero values for 2014, but our latest csv has all 0s. Sean thinks it could be because from 2014 onward the appeal type = SRP, not CAP.

Tagging @luiscape