OCHA-DAP / Data-Team

A place for tracking data team issues
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Data-Team Stories in Ready

HDX's Data Team (http://hdx.rwlabs.org) manages the data available in HDX's system. We use this GitHub repository to manage the issues that we are currently working on.

What tasks are we working on now?

At the top of our page you can see the issues we are considering now. We are using waffle.io to manage the current work-flow, which is updated each week. The tasks under ready mean those that are being considered for the following week. Click on this button to see the current tasks in the pipeline: Stories in Ready

All tasks in the issue page are being categorized into five categories: Research, Analysis, HDX Repository, and HDX Curation Process System. Besides the categories we also use three levels of priority to identify the tasks that need a lot of attention: Low, Medium, and High.

Submitting Issues

Use the issues page to submit and view the curent open issues here: (https://github.com/OCHA-DAP/Data-Team/issues)

If you are not part of the Data Team, simply submit an issue and assign it to @JavierTeran. He will be responsible for breaking that issue into tasks.