OCR-D / core

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ocrd_utils.coordinates_for_segment: clip to parent? #489

Open bertsky opened 4 years ago

bertsky commented 4 years ago

We have the utility function coordinates_for_segment for conversion of polygons from some derived image and its coordinate transform to absolute coordinates of the original image.

This is all the function does, but of course the expectation is more: Whereever that polygon was in the derived image, give me coordinates which I can annotate as final result of segmentation! (And unfortunately, that is also what it is mostly used for.)

However, that would entail also doing the inverse of image_from_polygon, i.e. clipping (or rather masking) the polygon to its parent element. This usually means ensuring the child element's polygon stays within the parent element's polygon. Except for the top-level parent (Page when there is no Border), where this means clipping coordinates to a range between zero and image size.

Thus, not having that functionality in core means segmenters will tend to produce inconsistent coordinates (failing the PAGE validator), and sometimes (e.g. when the page was rotated) even negative coordinates (failing XML validators and other PAGE libraries).

Unfortunately, we already made the first argument the segment's polygon instead of its element (as in coordinates_of_segment – an ugly asymmetry which itself originated from PAGE's Border idiosyncrasy). So we cannot silently enrich coordinates_for_segment by looking into the segment's parent_object_ and clipping the polygon respectively.

Or can we? How about making it polymorphic and checking the type of the first argument, as an opt-in for implicit conversion consistent with parent? To me that seems much better than providing a new function and trying to find processors which need it. We could even transform the function to be exclusively for the new usage by starting to deprecate the old usage at a later point and hunting it down.

@kba @wrznr if you give me your thumbs up I will kick this off with a PR.

bertsky commented 4 years ago

(For example, this problem has surfaced in ocrd-tesserocr-segment-line which led to a local workaround there as OCR-D/ocrd_tesserocr#104 and OCR-D/ocrd_tesserocr#120, and in ocrd-anybaseocr-block-segmentation as OCR-D/ocrd_anybaseocr/pull/27)

bertsky commented 4 years ago

See here for an idea of what could/should really be done in core.

Working with many different libraries (Shapely, OpenCV, Scikit) it's still surprisingly hard to calculate contour polygons in a way that avoids self-intersections. Maybe we should also encapsulate that demand in a utility function.

kba commented 4 years ago

How about making it polymorphic and checking the type of the first argument, as an opt-in for implicit conversion consistent with parent?

That's a reasonable solution, you have my :+1:

bertsky commented 4 years ago

This could also be part of an OCR-D adaptor to PAGE-XML pixel-center coordinate convention – if that does turn out to be the binding interpretation. We could make coordinates_of_segment convert to pixel-below-right (as most libraries demand/provide) and coordinates_for_segment convert back.

Let's discuss this on Tuesday!

bertsky commented 4 years ago

Or can we? How about making it polymorphic and checking the type of the first argument, as an opt-in for implicit conversion consistent with parent?

No we cannot! The problem is that at the moment most processors scramble the details of the new segment to be created (identifier, coordinates, content) that segment does not exist yet. The only way this can be done is via an extra kwarg for the parent (as shown in #492), which even increases the asymmetry and idiosyncrasy.

But there's another option: Instead of adding some function or argument to explicitly post-process the coordinates, we could also handle all cases implicitly by augmenting the PAGE-XML DOM (via #479's ocrd_page_user_methods._add_method), like so:
