OCR-D / core

Collection of OCR-related python tools and wrappers from @OCR-D
Apache License 2.0
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Python modules implementing OCR-D specs and related tools

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This repository contains the python packages that form the base for tools within the OCR-D ecosphere.

All packages are also published to PyPI.


NOTE Unless you want to contribute to OCR-D/core, we recommend installation as part of ocrd_all which installs a complete stack of OCR-D-related software.

The easiest way to install is via pip:

pip install ocrd

# or just the functionality you need, e.g.

pip install ocrd_modelfactory

All Python software released by OCR-D requires Python 3.8 or higher.

NOTE Some OCR-D-Tools (or even test cases) might reveal an unintended behavior if you have specific environment modifications, like:

Command line tools

NOTE: All OCR-D CLI tools support a --help flag which shows usage and supported flags, options and arguments.

ocrd CLI

ocrd-dummy CLI

A minimal OCR-D processor that copies from -I/-input-file-grp to -O/-output-file-grp


Almost all behaviour of the OCR-D/core software is configured via CLI options and flags, which can be listed with the --help flag that all CLI support.

Some parts of the software are configured via environment variables:



Contains utilities and constants, e.g. for logging, path normalization, coordinate calculation etc.

See README for ocrd_utils for further information.


Contains file format wrappers for PAGE-XML, METS, EXIF metadata etc.

See README for ocrd_models for further information.


Code to instantiate models from existing data.

See README for ocrd_modelfactory for further information.


Schemas and routines for validating BagIt, ocrd-tool.json, workspaces, METS, page, CLI parameters etc.

See README for ocrd_validators for further information.


Components related to OCR-D Web API

See README for ocrd_network for further information.


Depends on all of the above, also contains decorators and classes for creating OCR-D processors and CLIs.

Also contains the command line tool ocrd.

See README for ocrd for further information.

bash library

Builds a bash script that can be sourced by other bash scripts to create OCRD-compliant CLI.

See README for bashlib for further information.


Download assets (make assets)

Test with local files: make test

See Also