This is the official GitHub repository for the Open Class 3D Exchange (OCX) schema (working draft version) owned and managed by the OCX Consortium.
The latest published version of the OCX schema is available from the consortium's website.
The schema file is maintained using an XML editor like Altova XMLSpy.
The OCX schema is following the Python PEP 440 versioning recommendations.
Following PEP 440, the canonical public version identifiers MUST comply with the following scheme:
see the PEP 440 for a detailed explanation.
versioning toolThe Python tbump
tool is used to automate and bump schema versions. tbump also provides the possibility for pre- and post-commit actions.
The project config file pyproject.toml
contains the tbump settings.
Assume that the current schema version is 2.8.6
. To bump the schema version to the pre-release alpha
version, the following command can be issued:
> tbump 3.0.0-alpha
:: Bumping from 2.8.6 to 3.0.0-alpha
=> Would update current version in pyproject.toml
=> Would patch these files
- pyproject.toml:3 version = "2.8.6"
+ pyproject.toml:3 version = "3.0.0-alpha"
- pyproject.toml:34 current = "2.8.6"
+ pyproject.toml:34 current = "3.0.0-alpha"
- OCX_Schema.xsd:103
+ OCX_Schema.xsd:103
- OCX_Schema.xsd:12 xmlns:ocx=""
+ OCX_Schema.xsd:12 xmlns:ocx=""
- OCX_Schema.xsd:14 targetNamespace=""
+ OCX_Schema.xsd:14 targetNamespace=""
=> Would run these hooks before commit
* (1/4) $ python 3.0.0-alpha
* (2/4) $ xsdata generate OCX_Schema.xsd
* (3/4) $ gid add ./ocx_*
* (4/4) $ python 3.0.0-alpha
=> Would run these git commands
$ git add --update
$ git commit --message Bump to 3.0.0-alpha
$ git tag --annotate --message v3.0.0-alpha v3.0.0-alpha
$ git push --atomic origin working_draft v3.0.0-alpha
:: Looking good? (y/N)
The OCX standard is governed by the ( Consortium Members and published under the Apache 2.0 Public License conditions (the License).
You may obtain a copy of the License at:
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the 3Docx standard and software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. The OCX Consortium is not liable to any use whatsoever of the distributed standard or software based on the standard.
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.