OCamlPro / numcaml

Scientific Computing Tools For OCaml
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WARNING : numcaml is in early prototype stage. Any contribution/feedback is welcome!

The goal of numcaml is to be able to deal with numerical computations more easily in Objective Caml. More precisly, it consists of 3 parts :

Numcaml is mainly inspired from the great numpy library for python. The static types of Objective Caml (and the lack of automatic upcasting) makes it difficult to port numpy directly as a library. For example :

1 + 2.3 

is valid in python because the integer 1 can be upcasted to the float 1., and + looks dynamically at the type of its arguments to know which code to execute. In Objective Caml, the expression is rejected because + is a function which must takes two integers as arguments.

The syntax extension of numcaml let you write :

$(1 + 2.3)

inside your Objective Caml programm. This expression is translated, at pre-processing stage, into :

Math.add (Math.Int 1) (Math.Float 2.3)

and Math.add will do the same dynamic dispatch as python is doing for +.

You can see more complete examples of using the numcaml library in the tests/ directory.