A Python/Django web application and REST API for managing the ODM2 Controlled Vocabularies. This system provides the benefits of both:
This repository contains the source code for the master controlled vocabulary registry web application for the Observations Data Model 2 (ODM2).
The production Controlled Vocabulary website for ODM2 (which uses this code) can be accessed at:
Each individual vocabulary can be accessed through the web user interface. For example:
Every term has a unique URL:
Each vocabulary and term can also be accessed in Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) format through a RESTful API.
Vocabularies can also be exported in comma separated values (CSV) format.
This web application provides moderated submission of new vocabulary terms and edits to existing terms. You can simply click on the "New" button on a vocabulary page or the "Edit" button on the page for an individual term to submit changes.
This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grants EAR-1332257 and EAR-1224638. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.