OGKevin / ComBunqWebApp

A Bunq web interface made by bunqers
MIT License
26 stars 3 forks source link
bunq bunq-api community-bunqweb django heroku python

Community BunqWeb


Build Status Coverage Status codebeat badge Updates Greenkeeper badge Python 3

Community BunqWeb is going to be a web interface for bunqers using the Bunq API.

Disclaimer: Bunq itself has nothing to do with this project.

View the app live based on the latest release: https://bunqweb.com/

View the wiki for more information.


Current Features!

Why Community ?

Would be convenient to have a non-mobile version of bunq! Is there something on the roadmap? -Tezzlicious

We kijken naar de mogelijkheden, maar hebben hier geen korte termijnplannen voor, aangezien we ons volledig op het ontwikkelen van de app focussen. -Bunq


All Contributions are welcome, for more information read the wiki.


A todo list can be found in the projects section.



Free Software, Hell Yeah!