My MS-S4A-Web antenna switch arrived today - controller just got up-/down-buttons to select the antenna port. Same goes for the web interface which works nicely over wifi.
Number of ports has to be configured on the controller and in the backend (lz2rr sells this type of controllers also for MS-S7 switches - so 2-7 ports are possible).
I felt a bit too smart and implemented a simple port count detection in the initialization routine (just switches through and notices the highest port number returned from the controller) , but it looks like this routine is called all the time :)
Is is normal that every switch goes through ground?
My MS-S4A-Web antenna switch arrived today - controller just got up-/down-buttons to select the antenna port. Same goes for the web interface which works nicely over wifi.
Wrote a backend for it:
Number of ports has to be configured on the controller and in the backend (lz2rr sells this type of controllers also for MS-S7 switches - so 2-7 ports are possible).
I felt a bit too smart and implemented a simple port count detection in the initialization routine (just switches through and notices the highest port number returned from the controller) , but it looks like this routine is called all the time :)
Is is normal that every switch goes through ground?
73, Sascha