OH1KK / KiwiSDR-antenna-switch-extension

KiwiSDR antenna switch extension
MIT License
28 stars 13 forks source link
antenna-switching kiwisdr

This extension repository is obsolete and retired. Antenna switch extension will be part of next KiwiSDR version. See KiwiSDR official webpage for newer versions of antenna switch extension.


This is an antenna switch extension for the KiwiSDR software defined radio.

The antenna switch can control out-of-stock antenna switches and utilize Beaglebone GPIO-pins. You can also write your own backend for third party antenna switches.

MS-S7-WEB kit


Required hardware

You will need the KiwiSDR software-defined radio (SDR) kit.

You will need antenna switch hardware.

Available backends for hardware

Version compability


Open ssh connection to your KiwiSDR as root user and type the commands below. Do not install from the "console" tab of the Kiwi admin page. This is because the install script rebuilds and restarts the Kiwi software and this cannot be done while connected to the Kiwi using the console tab.

cd /root
git clone https://github.com/OH1KK/KiwiSDR-antenna-switch-extension.git
cd KiwiSDR-antenna-switch-extension
bash ./ant-switch-extension-installer

The installer copies the files to the correct place, creates a configuration file and recompiles the KiwiSDR server. This will take several minutes. After the compile is finished, the KiwiSDR will be restarted. After restart the antenna switch extension is installed on the KiwiSDR.


Open your KiwiSDR admin panel. Then Extensions -> Antenna Switch.

ant switch extenstion admin interface

By default users can switch antennas and select multiple simultaneous antennas.

Describe your antennas 1-8. If you leave antenna description empty, antenna button won't be visible to users.

Antenna switch failure or unknown status decription will be show to users if antenna switch is unreachable or malfunctioning.


Open your KiwiSDR as user. Enable ant_switch extension from extension drop down menu. Antenna switch will show.

ant switch extension user interface launch ant_switch_extension_user_interface

Single antenna mode: Click to select antenna.

Antenna mixing mode: you can select multiple antennas simultaneously. Click antennas on/off.

If admin has disable antenna switching, buttons are grey and you cannot click them.

Uninstalling extension

Open an ssh connection to your KiwiSDR as the root user and type:

cd /root/KiwiSDR-antenna-switch-extension
bash ./ant-switch-extension-uninstaller
cd /root
rm -rf KiwiSDR-antenna-switch-extension

Demo site

KiwiSDR Kaustinen http://sdr.vy.fi


If you want to support this project, you can send a donation via PayPal.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Kari Karvonen