OKFNau / TreesMap

Scripts and code for the open data tree repository aggregator
3 stars 0 forks source link

Moved to https://github.com/stevage/opentrees




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This repository contains scripts to fetch trees datasets for various councils in Victoria and load it into a database. It also contains a simple static website with a map of all the trees. This requires TileMill running server-side.

The source code for the webpage at http://opentrees.org is also here.


sudo apt-get install -y wget gdal-bin jq

How to use

  1. gettrees.sh: download a number of individual datasets
  2. loadtrees-db.sh: load each dataset into its own PostGIS table
  3. mergetrees.sql: extract data from fields into standard schema
  4. cleantrees.sql: fix up all kinds of data errors

How to set up PGREST

PGREST provides a lookup service for data.

wget 'https://github.com/begriffs/postgrest/releases/download/v0.2.10.0/postgrest-' tar xf postgrest*.xz

sudo -u postgres createuser readtrees

sudo -u postgres psql -d trees <<EOF alter user readtrees with password 'angpohora';


Add this to pg_hba.conf

host trees readtrees md5

nohup ./postgrest- -d trees -U readtrees --db-pass angpohora -a readtrees &


All code (so far) written by Steve Bennett (stevage@gmail.com, stevebennett.me, @stevage1)

All code released under Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 3.0 AU)