OMMR4all / ommr4all-page-segmentation

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OCR4All Pixel Classifier


Python dependencies are specified in requirements.txt /

You must install the package via pip with either ocr4all_pixel_classifier[tf_cpu] to use CPU version of tensorflow or ocr4all_pixel_classifier[tf_gpu] to use GPU (CUDA) version of tensorflow. For the latter, your system should be set up with CUDA 9 and CuDNN 7.


Pixel classifier


To run a model on some input images, use ocr4all-pixel-classifier predict:

ocr4all-pixel-classifier predict --load PATH_TO_MODEL \
    --output OUTPUT_PATH \
    --binary PATH_TO_BINARY_IMAGES \
    --images PATH_TO_SOURCE_IMAGES \

(ocr4all-pixel-classifier is an alias for ocr4all-pixel-classifier predict)

This will create three folders at the output path:


For training, you first have to create dataset files. A dataset file is a JSON file containing three arrays, for train, test and evaluation data (also called train/validation/test in other publications). The JSON file uses the following format:

    "train": [
        //datasets here
    "test": [
        //datasets here
    "eval": [
        //datasets here

A dataset describes a single input image and consists of several paths: the original image, a binarized version and the mask (pixel color corresponds to class). Furthermore, the line height of the page in pixels must be specified:

    "binary_path": "/path/to/image/binary/filename.bin.png",
    "image_path":  "/path/to/image/color/filename.jpg",
    "mask_path":  "/path/to/image/mask/filename_MASK.png",
    "line_height_px": 18

The generation of dataset files can be automated using ocr4all-pixel-classifier create-dataset-file. Refer to the command's --help output for further information.

To start the training:

ocr4all-pixel-classifier train \
    --train DATASET_FILE.json --test DATASET_FILE.json --eval DATASET_FILE.json \
    --output MODEL_TARGET_PATH \
    --n_iter 5000

The parameters --train, --test and --eval may be followed by any number of dataset files or patterns (shell globbing).

Refer to ocr4all-pixel-classifier train --help for further parameters provided to affect the training procedure.

You can combine several dataset files into a split file. The format of the split file is:

    "label": "name of split",
    "train": [
    "test": [
        //dataset paths here
    "eval": [
        //dataset paths here

To use a split file, add the --split_file parameter.

ocr4all-pixel-classifier compute-image-normalizations / ocrd_compute_normalizations

Calculate image normalizations, i.e. scaling factors based on average line height.

Required arguments:

Optional arguments: