ONEcampaign / oda_data_package

A python package to access DAC ODA data
MIT License
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The ODA Data Package

This package contains key tools used by The ONE Campaign to analyse Official Development Assistance (ODA) data from the OECD DAC databases.

Interacting with the DAC databases can be a complex task. There are many databases, tables, and web interfaces which can be used to get the data you need. This means that getting the right ODA data can require expert knowledge not only of ODA, but also of how the DAC databases and tools are organised.

This package aims to simplify this process and make it easier for users to get the data they need.

Please submit questions, feedback or requests via the issues page.

Getting started


The package can be installed using pip:

pip install oda-data --upgrade

The package is compatible with Python 3.10 and above.

Basic usage

Most users can get the data they need by using the ODAData class.

An object of this class can handle:

For example, to get Total ODA in net flows and grant equivalents, in constant 2021 Euros, for 2018-2021.

from oda_data import ODAData, set_data_path

# set the path to the folder where the data should be stored

# create object, specifying key details of the desired output
data = ODAData(years=range(2018,2022), currency="EUR", prices="constant", base_year=2021)

# load the desired indicators
data.load_indicator(indicators = ["total_oda_flow_net", "total_oda_ge"])

# get the data
df = data.get_data()


This would result in the following dataframe:

donor_code donor_name year value indicator currency prices
1 Austria 2021 1261.76 total_oda_flow_net EUR constant
1 Austria 2021 1240.31 total_oda_ge EUR constant
2 Belgium 2021 2176.38 total_oda_flow_net EUR constant
2 Belgium 2021 2174.38 total_oda_ge EUR constant
3 Denmark 2021 2424.51 total_oda_flow_net EUR constant
3 Denmark 2021 2430.65 total_oda_ge EUR constant

To print the full list of available indicators, you can call .get_available_indicators().

For full details on the available indicators and how we calculate them, see the indicators [documentation](oda_data/settings/Available


For more detailed examples of how to use the package, see the tutorials.

Please reach out if you have questions or need help with using the package for your analysis.

Key features


Interested in contributing to the package? Please reach out.