ONLYOFFICE-QA / x2t-testing

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Testing x2t

The x2t-testing project is deprecated

Please refer to x2ttester_wrapper

Is project for testing main conversion lib in onlyoffice documentserver

How it work

X2t utility need 12 libs for work. They are placed in documentserver /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/server/FileConverter/bin/. Easy way to take it - use docker-compose from this project. After it, you need to place all lib's to /usr/lib in your server, and then start work with x2t.

Example for x2t work:

x2t file_for_convert.docx resulting_file.ods folder_with_fonts

file_for_convert.docx - filename (or filepath) for file for convertion. Right extname is important

resulting_file.ods - filename (or filepath) for resulting file. Right extname is important

folder_with_fonts - path to folder with fonts. Optional parameter.

Example for x2t work with xml parameter:

You can use xml file with parameters instead of parameners in command line. For it, create file like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TaskQueueDataConvert xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
 <m_bIsPDFA xsi:nil="true" />
 <m_nCsvDelimiterChar xsi:nil="true" />
 <m_bPaid xsi:nil="true" />
 <m_bFromChanges xsi:nil="true" />
 <m_sJsonParams xsi:nil="true" />
 <m_nLcid xsi:nil="true" />
  <m_oInputLimit type="docx;dotx;docm;dotm">
   <m_oZip uncompressed="52428800" template="*."/>
  <m_oInputLimit type="xlsx;xltx;xlsm;xltm">
   <m_oZip uncompressed="4294967290" template="*.xml"/>
  <m_oInputLimit type="pptx;ppsx;potx;pptm;ppsm;potm">
   <m_oZip uncompressed="52428800" template="*.xml"/>

m_sFileFrom - filename (or filepath) for file for convertion. Right extname is important

m_sFileTo - filename (or filepath) for resulting file. Right extname is important

m_nFormatTo - digital code for formal (513 - pdf)

X2t need more libs for convertion to pdf. All necessary libs in described in DoctRenderer.config, but you can use x2t inside of documentserver for easy setup

To convert via xml use a numeric code in HEX format. A list of all the codes for the formats is described in the file.


Getting Started

Running tests

Change dockerfile and docker-compose file.

  1. Change image in .env.

  2. Set 3 environment variables in dockerfile:

    S3_KEY - is a public s3 key for getting files

    S3_PRIVATE_KEY - is a private s3 key for getting files

    PALLADIUM_TOKEN - is a palladium token for writing results.

Then, run documentserver docker-compose for getting all libs

docker-compose up documentserver

And then, you can run tests

docker-compose up -d x2t-testing

Convert Utility

Libs in this project can be used separately of tests like utility for conversion.

For Start

  1. Change image in .env.
  2. Run documentserver docker-compose for getting all libs with the command: docker-compose up documentserver
  3. Change configure.json
  4. Run conversion

File configure.json contain all settings for it.


  "convert_from": "/tmp/folders_with_files/",
  "custom_folder": "/tmp/path_to_source_files/",
  "convert_to": "/tmp/results/",
  "custom_format": "docx",
  "conversion_formats": {
    "doc": "docx",
    "ppt": "pptx",
    "xls": "xlsx",
    "odp": "pptx",
    "rtf": "docx"
  "x2t_path": "tmp/x2t",
  "font_path": "tmp/fonts"

convert_from - path to folders with documents before conversion, the folder names must match the file extension(if the file extension in the folder is ".doc", then the folder name must be "doc"), used to convert from an array of extensions with the rake convert[arr] command

custom_folder - the path to a separate folder with the source files to convert using the rake convert[cstm] command

custom_format - files from custom_folder will be converted to this format, to convert using the rake convert[cstm] command

convert_to - is a folder for results.

conversion_formats - an array of extensions to convert

x2t_path - path to x2t file.

font_path- path to fonts folder

Сonversion commands

rake convert[arr]- Conversion from an array of extensions specified inconfigure.json/conversion_formats.

rake convert[cstm] - Conversion from a separate folder with files.

Checking ooxmlparser

To enable the ooxmlparser check, pass true as the second argument to the command. Example: rake convert[arr,true]
