ONMO / OnMobileRBT

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OnMobile RBT SDK

Prior Note: Please refer earlier documents at 3.0.19, 3.0.17, 3.0.16 & 3.0.15



This document describes systematic guidelines in integrating OnMobile RBT SDK framework.This document provides complete guidelines to integrate OnMobile RBT Framework in iOS project.

SDK Integration Steps


OnMobile SDK can be integrated to any iOS project through CocoaPods. You can refer Cocoapods for more details.

Command to install CocoaPods (If it is not installed on your OS X)

$ sudo gem install cocoapods

To integrate OnMobile RBT SDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods(Use the version number provided to you), specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'OnMobileRBTSDK/<module_extension_name_shared_by_organization>', 'x.x.x'

Then, run the following command on your project path:

$ pod install


$ pod install --repo-update

If, you see the below error :

[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "OnMobileRBTSDK":
  In Podfile:
    OnMobileRBTSDK (<x.x.x>)

None of your spec sources contain a spec satisfying the dependency: `OnMobileRBTSDK (<x.x.x>)`.

Please, do run the below commands:

$ pod repo update
$ pod install

Swift Package Manager

OnMobile SDK can be integrated to any iOS project through Swift Package Manger. You can refer Swift Package Manger for more details.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding OnMobileRBTSDK as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

  dependencies: [
         .package(url: "https://github.com/ONMO/OnMobileRBT.git", exact: "x.x.x"),

Update Project Settings

Post installing OnMobile RBT SDK to your project, please update the project settings by following below steps

1. Navigate to Project Target Info Tab

2. Add following Properties in Custom iOS Target Properties list

a. App Transport Security Settings - Dictionary - Add below item a1
a1. Allow Arbitrary Loads - Boolean - Yes
b. Privacy - Contacts Usage Description - String - Your preffered message to alert user about accessing contacts in app on the supported localization
c. Privacy - Microphone Usage Description - String - Your preffered message to alert user about accessing microphone in app on the supported localization
d. Privacy - Speech Recognition Usage Description - String - Your preffered message to alert user about determing the voice of microphone in app on the supported localization

Import OnMobile RBT SDK

import OnMobileRBTSDK_<module_extension_name_shared_by_organization>

SDK Method implementations

Initialize OnMobile RBT SDK


Initializes `OnMobileRBTSDK`


@objc static func initialize(
                  withAuthenticationKey authKey: String, 
                  andClientKey clientKey: String, 
                  succedded success: @escaping (() -> ()), 
                  failed fail: @escaping ((OnMobileRBTError) -> ())


  - authKey : Provide the OnMobileRBTSDK authentication key shared by organization to intialize
  - clientKey : Provide the Client key shared by organization to intialize
  - success : Povides a successfull callback after initializtion
  - fail : Provides the error callback with OnMobileRBTError object to handle the errors


            withAuthenticationKey: "<Authentication Key>",
            andClientKey: "<Client Key>",
            succedded: {
                /*Success call back code*/
            failed: { (error) in
                /*Failure call back code*/

Check content availability


Checks whether the content is available or not for the provided ISRC codes


@objc static func contentAvailability(
                for isrcs: [String], 
                succedded success: @escaping (([IsrcItem]) -> ()), 
                failed fail: @escaping ((OnMobileRBTError) -> ())


    - isrcs : Provide the list of ISRC codes to check the availability
    - success : Provides the successfull callback with list of IsrcItem object
    - fail : Provides the error callback with OnMobileRBTError object to handle the errors


            for: ["<isrcid1>", "<isrcid2>"],
               succedded: { (isrcItems) in
                   /*Success call back code*/
               failed: { (error) in
                   /*Failure call back code*/

Fetch content


Fetches and provides the requested type of content
- For Music Content it is mandatory to provide the id information in request
- For Name Content it is mandatoru to provide the name as id in request


@objc public static func content(for type: ContentType,
                                 with id: String? = nil,
                                 fromOffset offset: Int = 0,
                                 withMaxResult max: Int = 16,
                                 succedded success: @escaping (([OnMobileRBTConnectorContent]) -> ()),
                                 failed fail: @escaping ((OnMobileRBTError) -> ()))


    - type: Provide appropriate `ContentType` for which the content data is required
    - id: Provide the `ID` for music `ContentType` or `Name` for name `ContentType` for other type it can be null
    - offset: Provide the offset value from which the content is required if there is pagination
    - max: Provide the max value for which the content length required for each request
    - success: Provides the successfull  callback with array of`OnMobileRBTConnectorContent` objects
    - fail: Provides the error callback with `OnMobileRBTError` object to handle the errors


OnMobileRBTConnector.content( for: contentType, with: multipleIsrcsTextField.text, fromOffset: 0, withMaxResult: 8) { (response) in /Success call back code/ } failed: { (error) in /Failure call back code/ }

Setup for Transactions

Preparation of OnMobileRBTMSISDNDetail object to pass in the OnMobileRBTClientDetail Object


@objc public static func create(msisdn: String,
                          customerId: String? = "") -> OnMobileRBTMSISDNDetail


- msisdn: Provide appropriate msisdn
- customerId: Provide appropriate customerId if any


let onMobileRBTMSISDNDetail = OnMobileRBTMSISDNDetail.create(msisdn:<phonenumber>, customerId: <customer id if any>")

Preparation of OnMobileRBTClientDetail object to pass in the setup method


@objc public static func create(msisdn: OnMobileRBTMSISDNDetail,
                          otherMsisdns msisdns: [OnMobileRBTMSISDNDetail] = [],
                          languageCode language: String? = nil,
                          accountCode account: String? = nil,
                          customerType customer: String? = nil,
                          segment: String? = nil,
                          type: ClientType = .normal) -> OnMobileRBTClientDetail


- msisdn: Provide appropriate `OnMobileRBTMSISDNDetail` object to setup user to use the `OnMobileRBTSDK` with the msisdn & customerId if any
- msisdns: Provide array of numbers along with customerId's if any to support multiple numbers in `OnMobileRBTSDK` (check with organization wheter it supports not)
- language: Provide the language code to dispay the content in appropriate language (Take the code from organization)
- account: Provide the account code if any
- customer: Provide the customer type if any
- segment: Provide the segment if any
- type: Provide the client type if any


let onMobileRBTClientDetail = OnMobileRBTClientDetail.create(
                                                   msisdn: <`OnMobileRBTMSISDNDetail` object>,
                                                   otherMsisdns: <Array of `OnMobileRBTMSISDNDetail` objects>,
                                                   languageCode: languageCode,
                                                   accountCode: accountCode,
                                                   customerType: customerType,
                                                   segment: segment,
                                                   type: type)


Setup the user to forward with the transactions.


@objc public static func setup(
    withOnMobileRBTClientDetail client: OnMobileRBTClientDetail,
    controller: UIViewController,
    listener selector: Selector? = nil,
    eventListener eventSelector: Selector? = nil,
    playerListener playerSelector: Selector? = nil,
    succedded success: @escaping ((OnMobileRBTConnectorResponse) -> ()),
    failed fail: @escaping ((OnMobileRBTError) -> ()))


  - client: Provide appropriate `OnMobileRBTMSISDNDetail` object to setup user to use the `OnMobileRBTSDK` with the msisdn & customerId if any
  - controller: Provide the controller, on which the `OnMobileRBTSDK` listeners needs to be handled
  - selector: Provide the selector to handle the listeners
  - eventSelector: Provide the selector to handle the event listeners
  - playerSelector:Provide the selector to handle the player listeners
  - success: Provides the successfull  callback with `OnMobileRBTConnectorResponse` object to use for further transactions
  - fail: Provides the error callback with `OnMobileRBTError` object to handle the errors


            withOnMobileRBTClientDetail: <onMobileRBTClientDetail of type `OnMobileRBTClientDetail`>,
            controller: self,
            listener: nil,
            eventListener: nil,
            playerListener: nil,
            succedded: { (response) in
                 Success call back code
                 self.onMobileRBTConnectorResponse = response
            failed: { (error) in
                /*Failure call back code*/


Save the response object `OnMobileRBTConnectorResponse` for further transactions, 
please call the below methods on this object

Launch UI


Launches the OnMobileRBTSDK (optionally you can provide the deeplink url to launch particular UI)
(Use the saved instance object `OnMobileRBTConnectorResponse` to call this method)


@objc func launch(
              with url: String? = nil,
              on controller: UIViewController,
              animated: Bool,
              failed fail: @escaping ((OnMobileRBTError) -> ()))


  - url: Provide the deeplink url, so the sdk will directly launch on to that particular content view
  - controller: Provide the controller, on which the `OnMobileRBTSDK` app to be launched
  - animated: `true / false`
  - fail: Provides the error callback `OnMobileRBTError` object to handle the errors


        with: <deeplink url>,
        on: self, 
        animated: true, 
        failed: { (error) in
            /*Failure call back code*/

Preview and Set RBT


Launches the OnMobileRBTSDK Preview UI for the provided ISRC code to set it as RBT 
(Use the saved instance object `OnMobileRBTConnectorResponse` to call this method)


@objc func previewAndSetRBT(
            for isrc: String, 
            on controller: UIViewController, 
            animated: Bool, 
            failed fail: @escaping ((OnMobileRBTError) -> ())


  - isrc : Provde theISRC code to preview and set
  - controller : Provide the controller, on which the OnMobileRBTSDK preview UI to be shown
  - animated : true / false
  - fail : Provides the error callback OnMobileRBTError object to handle the errors


        for: "<isrcid>",
           on: self,
           animated: true,
           failed: { (error) in
               /*Failure call back code*/
iOS Support is form 10.0+



Provides the response object with the required parameters


- Provides the RBT track title name
public var title : String?

- Provides the RBT track album name
public var album : String?

- Provides the RBT track artist name
public var artist : String?

- Provides the RBT identifier
public var contentID : String?

- Provides  the RBT content language
public var contentLanguage : String?

- Provides the RBT content type
public var contentType : ContentType?

- Provides the RBT track artwork image URL
public var imageURL : String?

- Provides the RBT track preview URL
public var previewStreamURL : String?

- Provides the RBT track downloads count
public var displayDownloadCount : String?

- Provides the RBT track name
public var name : String?


Provides all the content types available


- music
- trending
- name
- profile

Changes in version



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