OPCODE-Open-Spring-Fest / Accommodating-Insights

This project delves into a rich dataset containing information about short-term rentals in a geographic location. By analyzing this data, we aim to uncover insights and trends within the rental market.
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Accommodating Insights: A Data Exploration of the Transient Landscape



This project delves into a rich dataset containing information about short-term rentals in a geographic location. By analyzing this data, we aim to uncover insights and trends within the rental market. By employing a dataset rich in listing attributes, location data, and user reviews, we aim to develop a robust model capable of accurately predicting listing prices.


To achieve our objective , we will employ the following analytical methods :

Expected Outcomes

By the end of this project, we anticipate the following Outcomes:

Setup Locally

Click theFork button at the top right corner of this repository's page on GitHub. This will create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.

bash git clone https://github.com/OPCODE-Open-Spring-Fest/Accommodating-Insights

bash cd hidden-consumer-patterns

bash npm i