OPENDAP / Website

template repo for website project management
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What is this?

This is an public empty repository for creating/closing issues, regarding the status of the draft website. The Website Project lives on a private Project Managing tool that one needs to get proper access. Currently, only the OPeNDAP Website Team has access to it.


There are two places where to create an issue: a) Website Project, and b) Website Repo. It is recommended to create the issue directly on the Website Repo. Below are the recommended instructions:

  1. Under Website/issues, select New Issue (green icon).
  2. Write a description of the issue. Per request, consider the following template.
### Description
<!-- Brief 1 - 2 sentence description of the problem. -->

### Visual Aid
<!-- Screenshot clearly showing the relevant issue, or identifies the location where the issue can be found/reproduced. -->

### Page URL 
<!-- url where the issue was found. Do not display the entire Page URL (url is only for OPeNDAP team, and this repo is Public). Simply do: `HOMEPAGE/about/` instead of, for example, ``. -->
  1. On the right column tabs, select Website as the Project. That will allow the issue to appear on the Website Project Management tool. This can happen before or after creating the issue on the Website Repository.

  2. Inmediately after creating the issue, assign it a status (by default it is Unassigned). This is done on the right column under Projects. Website should be displaying. Select Backlog. See for example: OPeNDAP/Website/issue#3 (the Project status of this issue may change over time).