OPEnSLab-OSU / Loom-V4

Open Source Internet Of Things Rapid Prototyping Framework For Environmental Sensing Applications
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SEN55 PM1,2.5,4,10 values reporting out of range #135

Closed drcrockerjr closed 2 months ago

drcrockerjr commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug When running the SEN55 sensor the values reported for the PM 1,2.5,4, and 10 are occuring outside of the defined 0-1000 range defined in the datasheet.

Hardware in Use WheatherChimes/ Whisp

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Upload code provided below for sunning the SEN55 sensor
  2. Place flame or smoke source near SEN55 sensor air inlet
  3. Observer PM values outside of 0-1000 range

Expected behavior The PM values should be between 0-1000


#include <Loom_Manager.h>
#include <Hardware/Loom_Hypnos/Loom_Hypnos.h>

#include <Sensors/Loom_Analog/Loom_Analog.h>
#include <Sensors/I2C/Loom_SEN55/Loom_SEN55.h>
#include <Sensors/I2C/Loom_SHT31/Loom_SHT31.h>

//#include <Sensors/Analog/ACS712/Loom_ACS712.h>

#include <Logger.h>
#include <Internet/Connectivity/Loom_LTE/Loom_LTE.h>
#include <Internet/Connectivity/Loom_Wifi/Loom_Wifi.h>
#include <Internet/Logging/Loom_MongoDB/Loom_MongoDB.h>

Manager manager("Whisp_Proto", 1);

Loom_Hypnos hypnos(manager, HYPNOS_VERSION::V3_3, TIME_ZONE::PST, true);

Loom_Analog analog(manager);

//Main Air Quality, Temperature, and Humidity Sensing
Loom_SEN55 SEN55(manager);
Loom_SHT31 sht(manager);

Loom_LTE lte(manager, "hologram", "", "");
Loom_MongoDB mqtt(manager, lte.getClient());
//A batch is logged every 5 minutes, so 12 per hour (12 * 6 = 72) so mqtt will publish at batch size of 72/ every 6 hours
Loom_BatchSD batchSD(hypnos, 72);

void isrTrigger()

void setup() {

  // Wait 20 seconds for the serial console to open

  // Set the LTE board to only powerup when a batch is ready to be sent

  // Enable the hypnos rails

  //Time Sync Using LTE 

  // Read the MQTT creds file to supply the device with MQTT credentials

  // Initialize all in-use modules

  // Register the ISR and attach to the interrupt



void loop() {

  // Measure and package the data

  // Print the current JSON packet

  // Log the data to the SD

  // Pass in the batchSD to the mqtt obj to check/ publish a batch of data if ready

  // Set the interrupt duration for 5 minutes

  // Reattach the interrupt

  // Set the hypnos to sleep, but with power still being supplied to the 5v rail (wait for serial when testing from a computer)
  hypnos.sleep(false, true, false);


Output Copy and paste the serial output here if possible wrapped in ``` ```

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

WL-Richards commented 4 months ago

Can you additionally post the serial output?

drcrockerjr commented 4 months ago

I lost the output in my serial monitor. It is only on the SD card of the unit at this point. I can add it after I am able to get a new Whisp up and running as im currently testing the Whisp i used when i encountered that error.

WL-Richards commented 2 months ago

Closing as this appeared to be an improper use case