OPEnSLab-OSU / Loom-V4

Open Source Internet Of Things Rapid Prototyping Framework For Environmental Sensing Applications
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arduino data-logging environmental-monitoring sensors


Loom Version 4

An Internet of Things Rapid Prototyping System for applications in environmental sensing
Documentation · Project Wiki · Quick Start

Table of Contents


This version takes a step back and removes a lot of the aspects that make Loom 3 very hard to work with. This results in a more open and easy to work with framework that allows user to choose to use Loom and its features, or simply use the reliable software written for these sensors without the loom overarch.


The install process is fairly simple:

Install Arduino

Install Board Profiles

  1. Open Arduino IDE
  2. Once Open Click File > Preferences or Ctrl + ,
  3. In the text box labeled "Additional Boards Manager URLs" paste this text into the box,
  4. Press Ok
  5. Next click Tools > Board > Boards Manager
  6. Search and install the following Board Profiles
    • Arduino SAMD Boards
    • Adafruit SAMD Boards
    • Loom SAMD Boards V4
  7. Install the latest version of all three boards as they appear

If you use Mac:

Give Arduino IDE Full Disk Access: System Preferences->Security & Privacy->"Privacy" tab->Full Disk Access->+ plus button to add Arduino You will also need to install Developet Tools, which requires Admin access.

Getting Started Resources

  1. Loom Manager Walkthrough:
  2. Loom Hypnos Walkthrough:
  3. Hypnos Interrupts:
  4. C++ Tutorials
  5. Loom Sensor Hookup Tutorials:
  6. How to use Git:
  7. Loom Logger:
  8. I2C and I2C:

Run an Example

Select Board



If you get permissions error accessing the library folder, and are using a Mac, see note in the installation section above. If you are updating from an old version of Loom, you may need to do a "clean install" by removing the Arduino15 folder, and starting the process from the beginning to install again.


If you are experiencing issues, please click the "Issues" tab on this repo and choose the template that best fits your needs. Please supply as much information as possible. This helps us to better understand a fix issues quickly

Weird Feather M0 Issues

There are some weird idiosyncrasies with the Feather M0

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