OPEnSLab-OSU / Loom-V4

Open Source Internet Of Things Rapid Prototyping Framework For Environmental Sensing Applications
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Separately measure SHT30 - Loom version 4 #66

Closed carawalter closed 1 year ago

carawalter commented 1 year ago

sht.measure(); didn't work: "'virtual void Loom_SHT31::measure()' is protected within this context"

WL-Richards commented 1 year ago

You can't call measure on a specific sensor. You can however get the data from the sht after the manager has measured it by using sht.getHumidity() and sht.getTemperature();

carawalter commented 1 year ago

Being able to delay sht measure was an issue when I was using the interrupt on RainSavor. Now just being able to extract the temperature is fine.