OPPO-OpenPlatform / physray_mp_sdk

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PhysRay SDK is a high performance modern graphics/compute SDK on OPLUS platform. It is mainly focusing on giving developers the ability to quickly utilize the latest graphics features provided by modern Android platform, such as real time ray tracing and heterogenous computing. Check out MANUAL.md for detailed explanation for the SDK features and tutorials of how to use them.


Please follow this document for detailed build instructions: BUILD.md


Q: Does the SDK support OpenGL/ES

A: No. This SDK is based on Vulkan 1.1+ API.

Q: Does the SDK support ray tracing effect on mobile platform?

A: Yes. The new SDK will support Qualcomm Snapdragon 8Gen2, 8Gen3, and MTK D9200, DX-2, DX-3 platform.

Q: Is the ray tracing effect accelerated by hardware? What about on mobile platform?

A: The rendering is fully hardware accelerated on ray tracing capable hardware, such as NVIDIA GeForce 20XX graphics card. On mobile platform though, the rendering is currently simulated via regular shader (FS, CS) pipeline.


PhysRay SDK references the following 3rd party libraries:

Name License
Eigen MPL2
Volk MIT
AMD Vulkan Memory Allocator MIT
MoodyCamel read write queue Simplified BSD
stb image loader Public Domain
Stack Walker BSD
hash-library zlib
CLI11 3-Clause BSD
JSON for Modern C++ MIT
tiny glTF MIT
Vulkan Minimal Compute MIT
Assimp 3-clause BSD
Dear ImGui MIT
Qualcomm Hexagon SDK: v4.x (4.5.03) Restricted Use Software
KTX Software Apache-2.0
SPIRV Reflect Apache 2.0
Pierre-Antoine Lacaze's Sigslot Library MIT
ARM ASTC Encoder Apache 2.0
Backward-cpp MIT

PhysRay SDK has the following third-party assets in the sample/dev assets directory:

Name License
Dead Leaf Royalty Free License
Body Basemesh Royalty Free License
Dragonfly Royalty Free License
Hairstyle 17 Royalty Free License
Lotus Collection Royalty Free License