ORNL-Fusion / kineticj

Given a time harmonic electric wave field calculate the kinetic plasma current
MIT License
5 stars 8 forks source link


NOTE: This file is best viewed at https://github.com/ORNL-Fusion/kineticj/


The Kinetic-j program takes a time harmonic electric wave field, and calculates the kinetic plasma current. This calculation is done in configuration-space, as opposed to the more traditional Fourier-space evaluation forms provided in the standard plasma wave physics texts.

Program Files

The program is organized into C++ and IDL files. The C++ are the buildable program (located in src and include directories), with the IDL scripts (located in the idl directory) being used to generate inputs, run benchmarks, and post process outputs. The bin and obj directories are empty, being only placeholders for build locations. The mathematica directory contains some relevant analysis and derivations of the equations upon which the program is based.

. (Makefile etc)
├── benchmarks (template and output for the IDL based sigma benchmarking)
├── bin (empty, but where the binary ends up)
├── idl (IDL utility scripts)
├── include (C++ header files)
├── machine-makefiles (machine specific makefile setting files)
├── mathematica (mathematica scripts for proof of principle and Z-function table creation)
├── matlab (matlab utility scripts)
├── obj (empty)
├── python (python scripts for plotting and testing)
├── src (C++ source files)
├── template (single test case)
└── tests (regression test cases with reference solutions)


Libconfig (https://github.com/hyperrealm/libconfig) [v1.7.1 tested]

The human readable input files are of the format defined by the libconfig API. Libconfig can be found at the above location on github.

NetCDF-C (https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c) [v4.5.0 tested]

We utilize the netcdf file format for both inputs and outputs.

NetCDF-CXX4 (https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-cxx4) [v4.3.0 tested]

We further utilize the more recent CXX-4 components of the NetCDF API (note that the --enable-cxx4 flag is not required as suggested in the netcdf-cxx4 github readme file).

THRUST (https://github.com/thrust/thrust) [1.8.2 tested] or CUDA (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads) [Cuda 8 tested]

The THRUST headers are required and are available either standalone from the THRUST repo (for building on systems without GPUs), or from within the CUDA SDK (for building on systems with GPUs). So if you do not have an nvidia compute GPU, you will still need the THRUST library (unbuilt).


We utilize a simple machine specific makefile to specify the locations of the above dependencies. To build Kinetic-j on a new machine you will need to create a copy of an existing file (e.g., machine-makefiles/Makefile.dlg-macpro) with the name of your machine as the extension. This can be done via

cp machine-makefiles/Makefile.dlg-macpro machine-makefiles/$(uname -n)

and then editing the resulting file appropriately. Then just

make clean
make test

Build Options

The THRUST API provides for single thread CPU (CPP), multi thread OpenMP (OMP), and CUDA (CUDA) targets via the appropriate choice of THRUST policy. Within the top level Makefile the THRUST policy (which selects either CPU, OPENMP, or GPU) is selected by uncommenting the desired choice as

# Select only one.

USE_CUDA  := 0

Also, various code features and debugging levels can be enabled at build time by enabling any of the following within the top level Makefile.

# Features
CPPFLAGS += -DCYLINDRICAL_INPUT_FIELDS=1 # Are the input (NetCDF) fields in Cylindrical or not. 
CPPFLAGS += -D_PARTICLE_BOUNDARY=1 # 1 = particle absorbing walls, 2 = periodic, 3 = reflective
CPPFLAGS += -DGC_ORBITS=0 # Use Guiding Center evalulation (Not yet functional)
CPPFLAGS += -DCOMPLEX_WRF=0 # Use the complex omega as the time integral decay time, as opposed to the Hanning window.  

# Non THRUST Implementations

# Timing Info

# Debug Info Level

# File Write Options

Specific Machine Build Notes


source env-edison.sh
make clean
make test # (although you're better off running the tests on the compute nodes as described below)


source env-gpufusion.sh
make clean
make test

Running Kinetic-J

Set a KINETICJ_ROOT environment variable to be the location of the cloned source ...

cd ~/code
git clone https://github.com/ORNL-Fusion/kineticj.git
export KINETICJ_ROOT=~/code/kineticj

Run the regression tests

To aid development testing we include some simple regression testing. This is run as follows (or via make test) ...

python ../python/kj_test.py

or at NERSC ...

source env-edison.sh
mkdir kineticj
cp -r $KINETICJ_ROOT/tests .
cd tests
salloc -N 1 -p debug
python $KINETICJ_ROOT/python/kj_test.py

with the expected output being ...

python $KINETICJ_ROOT/python/kj_test.py

benchmark1-00007    PASS [2.9 seconds]
benchmark2-00013    PASS [2.5 seconds]
benchmark3-00004    PASS [4.2 seconds]
test4               PASS [3.4 seconds]

Run the test case

A standalone test case is also availble where we demonstrate the current response for a variable magnetic field (1/r) where the fundamental and 2nd harmonic ion cyclotron resonances are in the domain (at x=1.75 and x=3.5 respectively). We have provided an input file template/input/input-data.nc with an electric field with kx=pi/(2*rho_L) where rho_L is the Lamor radius at the location of the 2nd harmonic resonance, i.e., the finite Lamor radius interaction is captured per pg.270-271 of Stix. This case is run via the following commands ...

cd template
python ../python/kj_plot.py

or for NERSC (Edison with a single node using OpenMP)

source env-edison.sh
mkdir kineticj
cp -r $KINETICJ_ROOT/template .
cd template
salloc -N 1 -p debug
python $KINETICJ_ROOT/python/kj_plot.py

Changing the variables in template/kj.cfg will allow experimenting with running the code.

  1 xGridMin = 1.0;
  2 xGridMax = 5.0;
  3 nXGrid = 200
  4 nRFCycles = 50.0;
  5 species_number = 0;
  6 species_amu = 1.0;
  7 species_Z = 1.0;
  8 runIdent = "template";
  9 nP_Vx = 5;
 10 nP_Vy = 5;
 11 nP_Vz = 5;
 12 nThermal = 3;
 13 nPhi = 0;
 14 ky = 0.0;
 15 T_keV = 5.0;
 16 input_fName = "input/input-data.nc";
 17 kz = 0.0;
 18 nStepsPerCyclotronPeriod = 30.0;

Using IDL to run the sigma benchmarks [tested with IDL version >= 8.3]

  1. Clone https://github.com/dlg0/dlg_utils
  2. Add kineticj and dlg_utils idl folders to the IDL path, i.e., edit the export $IDL_STARTUP=~/idlStartup.pro file, e.g.,
  3. Change to the benchmarks folder, start IDL, run one of the 3 benchmarks.
    cd benchmarks
    IDL>kj_sigma_benchmarks, runKJ=1, benchmark=1

    or at NERSC (Edison with a single node using OpenMP)

    source env-edison.sh
    cd $SCRATCH
    mkdir kineticj
    cp -r $KINETICJ_ROOT/benchmarks .
    cd benchmarks
    salloc -N 1 -p debug
    IDL>kj_sigma_benchmarks, runKJ=1, benchmark=1
  4. Examine the kineticj/benchmarks/benchmark1/benchmark.png file for output.

Other Information

Generate the Guiding Center terms file

To speed up the guiding center orbit calculation (if selected), some of the terms in the ODE are precalculated and tabulated in a file. This is done using code from the https://github.com/dlg0/orbit_tracer repo. After cloning that repo, run the gc_terms.pro routine on an ar2Input.nc file, e.g.,

cd ~/scratch/aorsa2d/colestock-kashuba-reference
IDL>gc_terms, _me_amu, -1, ar2='input/ar2Input.nc', /oneD