Open Source Latency Test Tool
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OSLTT - Open Source Latency Test Tool

An open source latency testing tool project - here you'll find the desktop software needed to use the tool, the firmware for the device, the circuit diagram and support.

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Features not currently implemented

Reporting problems

If you encounter an errant bug in the software or firmware, please do let me know. The best way to do that is here on GitHub, through the issues tab. If you don't have a GitHub account, you can also email me here. Please include as much information as possible, and any screenshots relevant.

Feature suggestions

Much like the reporting problems section above, if you'd like to request a feature be added, please either submit an issue, or email me here.

Building from Source


Supporting Directly

If you'd like to support the project but don't need a device, you can support by sharing the project with your favourite tech reviewers, or support directly through PayPal.

Code Contribution

If you'd like to contribute some code to the project - either bug fixes or new features - please submit a pull request with as much info as possible. I'll do my best to review and merge any changes in good time. If you have any questions about my (imperfect) code, please do submit an issue and tag it as a question.