OSU-AIMS / ros-system-setup

Bash Installers for ROS
MIT License
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ROS Setup Shell Scripts

This procedure is maintained for standard usage by the AIMS Lab and partners. This script will install and configure the ROS middleware and dependencies. Details of the shell script’s procedure are documented by script comments. Includes setup shell scripts for multiple Operating Systems and ROS versions.

Script Name OS Version ROS Versions Installed Support Level
setup-bionic Ubuntu 18.04 ROS 1 Melodic EOL
setup-focal Ubuntu 20.04 ROS 1 Noetic
ROS 2 Foxy
Fully Supported
setup-jammy Ubuntu 22.04 ROS 2 Humble Under Development

Usage Instructions

  1. Download this repo using the green "CODE 🔽" button and clicking "Download ZIP". Save this folder in the $HOME directory (linux).
  2. Open a new Terminal. Navigate to appropriate file path.
    cd $HOME
  3. Run bash script!
    bash $HOME/setup-.sh
    DO NOT RUN THIS WITH SUDO! Will cause an error when setting up the ROS path.
    You may be prompted for a sudo password (even if not run with sudo). Go ahead and enter password then continue.

Check Install

Command Expected Output
printenv | grep ROS A list of variables
ROS1: roswtf
ROS2: ros2 wtf
“No errors or warnings”
ROS1: roscore Regular launch output.
No ROS2 equivalent.