Give OpenVoiceOS some sass with Alpaca.cpp, GPT4All.cpp or Bloomz.cpp
This plugin requires providing the path to the executable and model, it uses subprocess which allows it to work with these programs without requiring python bindings
Dedicated plugins may exist for each LLM
Spoken answers api
from ovos_solver_llmcpp import LLMcppSolver
ALPACA_MODEL_FILE = "./models/ggml-alpaca-7b-q4.bin"
GPT4ALL_MODEL_FILE = "./models/gpt4all-lora-quantized.bin"
# binpath = "~/alpaca.cpp/chat"
binpath = "~/gpt4all.cpp/chat"
bot = LLMcppSolver({"model": GPT4ALL_MODEL_FILE,
"executable_path": binpath})
sentence = bot.spoken_answer("Qual é o teu animal favorito?", {"lang": "pt-pt"})
# Meus animais favoritos são cães, gatos e tartarugas!
for q in ["Does god exist?",
"what is the speed of light?",
"what is the meaning of life?",
"What is your favorite color?",
"What is best in life?"]:
a = bot.get_spoken_answer(q)
print(q, a)