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Add Total Count Of Chapters To Search Bar Placeholder #46

Closed ShashaankS closed 3 weeks ago

ShashaankS commented 3 weeks ago

Resolved the merge conflicts, hope this works

arkid15r commented 3 weeks ago

Resolved the merge conflicts, hope this works

I understand it's your first contribution here. Please consider these steps to make the following PRs better:

Thank you for the contribution @ShashaankS! I'm merging this in!

ShashaankS commented 3 weeks ago

Resolved the merge conflicts, hope this works

I understand it's your first contribution here. Please consider these steps to make the following PRs better:

  • follow the issue description as it contains valuable details
  • use automated checks for the code (pre-commit)
  • test your code locally -- check that it looks/works as expected (the requested functionality didn't work as parts of logic hadn't been implemented at all or had been implemented incorrectly)

Thank you for the contribution @ShashaankS! I'm merging this in!

Thanks a lot @arkid15r for the first contribution experience, I'll keep the above pointer in mind for further contributions.