OWASP / Nest

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MIT License
10 stars 11 forks source link
api chapters committees events metadata nest owasp projects rest taxonomy


Initial setup

  1. Clone the repository code from https://github.com/owasp/nest.
  2. Create backend/.env/local file and copy backend/.env/template's contents into it.
  3. Open backend/.env/local and change DJANGO_CONFIGURATION value to Local.
  4. Go to https://www.algolia.com/ and create a free account. Create an Algolia app and update DJANGO_ALGOLIA_API_KEY and DJANGO_ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID in your .env/local file. That's all you need in terms of Algolia app configuration. You can ignore their onboarding wizard instructions. Just make sure the API key has index write permissions.
  5. Run make run and leave it running. Wait until Nest local is responding.
  6. In a new terminal session run make load-data to populate the database from data/ fixtures.
  7. In the same window run make index-data.
  8. Check the data is available via API endpoints: projects and issues.

Optional steps (if you're going to manage or fetch data):

  1. Run make setup to create a super user.
  2. Create a GitHub personal access token.
  3. Open backend/.env/local and update GITHUB_TOKEN value.
  4. Now you should be able to run make sync command that updates your local DB data.