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Implement reusable OWASP entity component #54

Open arkid15r opened 1 week ago

arkid15r commented 1 week ago

The Nest app has four main pages: Contribute, Projects, Chapters, and Committees. Each page is different, but we can display their information in a similar style.

To make the code cleaner and ensure a consistent look across the site, we want to create one component that displays items on all pages. This component should be flexible, showing specific details based on what is passed to it. For example, tags or labels should appear on the Contribute and Projects pages, but not on the Chapters or Committees pages.

harsh3dev commented 1 week ago

We will have to develop a card component which will

  1. show the information based on the props we pass
  2. a container that will render all the cards
  3. When the card is clicked it should perform the necessary actions like opening the modal
  4. The card will dynamically show content and other details based on the props passed to it. I am ready to work on this issue
arkid15r commented 1 week ago

This issue is a major one, I'm glad you want to work on it. @harsh3dev don't hesitate to reach out to me in Slack as there might be a lot of decisions to make during the implementation.

Assigning it to you, thank you!