ObjectVision / GeoDMS

Source code for the GeoDMS software
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Regressietest 14.17.0 error NetworkModelPBL #707

Closed jipclaassens closed 6 months ago

jipclaassens commented 6 months ago

Conclusion: arc_length of geometry with null gave in 14.16.0 distance null. But in 14.17.0 it gives value 0.


Gives the following error: Link_Node2_rel: out of range or undefined values not allowed

In 14.16.0 it does work.

Results for item: /NetworkSetup/ConfigurationPerRegio/all/PublicTransport/At_07h00m00s/CreateODs/StaticNet_subset/F2

In 14.16.0: image

In 14.17.0: image

The source item is the same in both versions. So it comes from a subset operation: image

unit<uint32> StaticNet_subset_debug := Static_net
    attribute<bool>   IsSub_from := FromTime >= inTime ;
    attribute<bool>   IsSub_to   := ToTime   < (inTime + (convert(ModelParameters/MaxOVTime, s_f)[Time] * 2));
    attribute<bool>   IsSub_dur  := duration <= convert(ModelParameters/MaxOVTime , s_f) * 2f;

unit<uint32> StaticNet_subset := select_with_attr_by_cond(SourceData/Infrastructuur/GTFS/StaticNets/Static_net, StaticNet_subset_debug/IsSub_from && StaticNet_subset_debug/IsSub_to && StaticNet_subset_debug/IsSub_dur);

14.16.0 IsSub_from = 48,508,143 true IsSub_to = 14,588,823 true IsSub_dur = 46,713,893 true

14.17.0 IsSub_from = 48,508,143 true IsSub_to = 16,275,820 true IsSub_dur = 52,010,229 true

Compare /SourceData/Infrastructuur/GTFS/StaticNets/Static_net/Duration



14.17.0 image

Difference is already present in: /SourceData/Infrastructuur/GTFS/StaticNets/allLinks/Duration

And in: /SourceData/Infrastructuur/GTFS/StaticNets/CreateTransfersSet/TransfersByStart/Duration

Difference is here: /SourceData/Infrastructuur/GTFS/StaticNets/CreateTransfersSet/TransferPaths/minTransferTime


arc_length of geometry with null gave in 14.16.0 distance null. But in 14.17.0 it gives value 0.



jipclaassens commented 6 months ago

resultaat van #701

MaartenHilferink commented 6 months ago

Fixed in 14.17.2: arc_length now results in . For obtaining the length of multi linestrings, now use mls_length.