ObjectVision / GeoDMS

Source code for the GeoDMS software
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Geographic Data & Model Software (GeoDMS) is a platform for developing Geographic Planning Support Systems. Where fast generic, landuse modeling and routing algorithms are implemented in C++ and exposed through the GeoDMS scripting language.

Downloading and getting started

Recent GeoDMS versions can be downloaded from the release page of this repository.

If you are new to GeoDMS, the GeoDMS academy will guide you through some of the basic features of the language. For the full documentation of GeoDMS, including additional examples, see our wiki or geodms website


Build instructions for GeoDMS can be found at our wiki compilation page or our web-site. For a technical overview of the GeoDMS software, see readme-dms.MD in the GeoDMS source code root folder, or here

Terms of use

This open source software; you can use, redistribute, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (the License) as published by the Free Software Foundation.

For redistribution consult the GNU GPL3 license at LICENSE.md or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html


Feel free to contact us for support on landuse modeling, transport modeling or geographic scientific computing.

Object Vision b.v. Email: info(at)objectvision.nl Phone: +31-20-598.9083 Location: 1081 HV AMSTERDAM - the Netherlands - De Boelelaan 1085 room F538 Website: https://objectvision.nl