ObjectVision / GeoDMS

Source code for the GeoDMS software
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Request: Circulair units (wrap-around for grid/coordinate domain, or time-units) #724

Open jipclaassens opened 3 months ago

jipclaassens commented 3 months ago

Could be part of the solution for #721 But also handy for time-units as pointed out by @cjacobscrisioni

MaartenHilferink commented 3 months ago

For circular 1d domains (such as timecycles), existing operations can offer some proper results, such as:

For 2d cylindrical, torus, or latlong-sphere raster topology, specific attention is required for:

For 2d vector data on cylindrical, torus or spheres require adjustment of:

MaartenHilferink commented 2 months ago

The following adjustments can be made with existing operations in order to account for a/the East-West projection boundary,(thus not with the poles):

The following operators require some adjustment to handle a stitched projection boundary:

I do not see feasibility for projection aware operations on mollweide data for: