ObjectVision / GeoDMS

Source code for the GeoDMS software
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Operator strongly_connected_components not merged from v14 into v15 #732

Closed jipclaassens closed 2 months ago

jipclaassens commented 2 months ago

Needed for NetworkModel_EU @cjacobscrisioni

MaartenHilferink commented 2 months ago

Het lijkt gewoon aanwezig: ConnectedParts.cpp lines 38 en 328...426 en 436. @jipclaassens : Kun je een screenshot o.i.d. toevoegen waaruit je afleidde dat strongly_connected_compontents niet meer werkt in v15 ?

cjacobscrisioni commented 2 months ago

@MaartenHilferink , I think this is my doing... I checked and rechecked before mentioning this to @jipclaassens , but cannot reproduce the issue right now as 15.0.1 seems perfectly comfortable with the strongly_connected_components syntax

So either I confused 14.15.x with 15.0.1 or I made a syntax error with 15.0.1, then fixed it after reverting to 14.16.0, and forgot to check.

In any case, my bad, sorry!!!!! can be closed.