ObjectVision / GeoDMS

Source code for the GeoDMS software
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alt_imp in impedance_matrix_od64 results in 0 #751

Closed jipclaassens closed 1 month ago

jipclaassens commented 1 month ago

OVSRV6: C:\ProjDir\Jip\_Github_issues\NetworkModel_PBL_issue751\cfg\main.dms

De alt_imp die de impedance_matrix uitspuugt is 0. Maar uit de afleiding van de LinkSet volgt dat alt_imp (length) 0.200887 km is.

/NetworkSetup/ConfigurationPerRegio/all/PublicTransport/At_07h00m00s/CreateODs/OD_traveltime_W_OV_W/OD_wPrijzen image

/NetworkSetup/ConfigurationPerRegio/all/PublicTransport/At_07h00m00s/CreateODs/OD_traveltime_W_OV_W/OD_wPrijzen/AfgelegdeReis image


jipclaassens commented 1 month ago

update nodeALW[node] info node: 24526075 currLink: 32372596

node: 245377187 currLink:32418630

node: 24538299 currLink: 26890395 nodeALW[prevNode]=333.846130 altLinkWeights[currLink] = 15.9215994 nodeALW[node] = 349.767731

node = 24546743 currLink = 26891045 nodeALW[node] = 597.919556

node = 24547521 currLink = 32443304 prevNode = 24546743 nodeALW[node] = 620.467102

jipclaassens commented 1 month ago

orgZone=0 ni.orgZone_startPoint_inv (2->1->0->INF) startPointIndex = 0 (last one)

line 446: assert(!currNodePtr->GetParent()); failed with the following currNodePtr ▶ | Node_rel | 0x000001b7a6876ac0 {4628680} ▶ | Impedances | 0x000001b7a3ad2eb0 {357.000000} ▶ | Zone_rel | 0x000001b790e99ba0 {0}

Indicating that the node of this startingPoint is also in the traceback tree for another starting point of this OrgZone and thus resetting the nodeALW's that stream to/through this node. and node = 4628680 is also the result of nzc.Res2EndNode(j=0);

node = 4628680, startPoint 0

first descendant: node = 4552312 currLink = 878300 nodeALW[node] = 0.623415709

second descendant: node = 4552973 currLink = 878301 nodeALW[node] = 0.620706320

-> node = 4552974; currLink = 4246450; nodeALW[node] = 0.620706320 ->-> node = 4552975; currLink = 4246451; nodeALW[node] = 0.620706320

third descendant: node = 4628681; currLink = 3609566; nodeALW[node] = 0.00000000; altLinkWeights[3609566] == 0 image


jipclaassens commented 1 month ago

tr.InitRootNode(startNode); startNode = 4612637 startNode = 4552971 startNode = 4628680

tr.InitChildNode(currNode, parentNode);

parentNode = 4612637 currNode = 4618076

parentNode = 4612637 currNode = 4628680

parentNode = 4628680 currNode = 4628898 currNode = 4647745

parentNode = 4647745 currNode = 4646986 currNode = 4647746 currNode = 4637075

parentNode = 4646986 currNode = 4646987

parentNode = 4628680 currNode = 4628681


jipclaassens commented 1 month ago

Kortste route van Org naar dest = 129 (lopen org2stop) + 60 (OV bus) + 47 (lopen stop2dest) = 236 seconden Dit is gelijk aan de uitkomst van W_OV_W impedance.

MaartenHilferink commented 1 month ago

od_LS calculation:

NodeType node = nzc.Res2EndNode(j); node = 4628680

LinkType currLink = dh.m_TraceBackDataPtr[node]; currLink = 47259

node = graph.linkF1Data[currLink]; node = 4612637

LinkType currLink = dh.m_TraceBackDataPtr[node]; currLink = UNDEFINED.

MaartenHilferink commented 1 month ago

UpdateALW: for all startPoints: starpointIndex=2; node = 4612637 .... for all startPoints: starpointIndex=0; node=4628680 skip, maar nodeALW wordt wel eerst terug op 0 gezet. Foei.

MaartenHilferink commented 1 month ago
