Objective-Earth / product-design

Apache License 2.0
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Enter first 100 data rows #1

Open rickysb opened 2 years ago

rickysb commented 2 years ago

Why we need to do this: We are building a Data heavy application that tends to enlist all efforts being done by CSR and NGOs around the world, aligned to UN's SDGs, and also propels community engagement and contribution. It would be great if we can model the data by mapping currently IN progress projects back to SDGs list to emulate information architecture of Objective.Earth

Tusharsb commented 2 years ago

I have put together some 10-20 records. And also suggested early draft on how community members can start contributing data themselves. Check it out here https://www.loom.com/share/39efcc89ff134e32806d71ce41d37a8c

If we can have some contributors submit some few 1000s of records I think we can start publishing their submitted data on ObjectiveEarth website. This will also result in network effect with "DOers" joining OE as early adopter

maitreyee191105 commented 2 years ago

NGOs Associated with The Sustainable Development Goals

rickysb commented 2 years ago

GlobalGiving 1000 Sample rows can be downloaded here.

Here is a video of how this mapping can be attempted that helps us explore information architecture: Sample Row mapping video