Objective-Earth / product-design

Apache License 2.0
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Objective.earth is a social OKR tool that helps the community to align themselves towards the 17 SDG goals. It is also a social network, where the community can talk about "Problems of a region" and "Solutions for those problems". On Objective.earth, any individual or organization will be able to crowdfund and hire people to solve the problems they care about.OE platform strongly believes in appreciating and rewarding those who are stepping forward to the right thing for the earth. Read more Rewarding DOers..

We are mix of

We are inspired by


Release 1 Roadmap

The following is the list of WHAT we are building in Objective.Earth so that it can solve the problems of our Target Users (following UCD). The entire product has been broken down into major chunks termed “Epics”. Each epic contain multiple minor features within it. The product design team at Objective.Earth works on each epic and pushes them out to the engineering team at an average of 1 epic per week.

No. Epic Name Epic Explained Issue
1 Discover Epic Link
2 Problem Page Epic Link
3 Solution Page Epic Link
4 Project Page Epic Link
5 Volunteer Jobs Epic Link
6 Objectives and Keyresults Epic Link
7 Donation Epic Link