Objective-Earth / product-design

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Problem Page Epic : Explained #71

Open UrvashiPanwar opened 2 years ago

UrvashiPanwar commented 2 years ago

On this page, users will be able to write, edit, and update on the earth problems that they are facing in the outside world. The problems have causes and effects, which sometimes when left unattended can also become sub-problems. We have an N-level of hierarchy in case of problems and sub-problems. On OE the users will also be able to donate to a problem.

No. User Story(Issue)
1 As an Editor, I want to add new problems, so that I can contribute. #30
2 As an editor, I want to edit a problem so that I can add more and correct the content on problem pages. #31
3 As a Contributor, I want to view what is causing a particular problem so that I can focus my contributions. #32
4 As a Contributor, I want to view the effects of the problem so that I know how important is it to solve the problem. #33
5 As a Contributor, I want to upvote/downvote the problems so that I can show agreement/disagreement towards what the community is posting and weigh in making a decision. #29
6 As a Contributor, I want to view top problems in my region so that I can help in solving them. #27
7 As a Donor, I want to donate to a problem, so that I can directly help in solving that problem. #28
8 As a Contributor, I want to view the top doers and donors of a problem so that I can view the profiles whose contributions are highest and get inspired by them. #34
9 As an Editor, I want to add subproblems, so that I can contribute #36
10 As an Editor, I want to edit a sub-problem so that I can add more and correct the content on sub-problem pages. #37