Objective-Earth / product-design

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Solution Page Epic: Explained #72

Open UrvashiPanwar opened 2 years ago

UrvashiPanwar commented 2 years ago

The solution page will talk about the solutions to a problem. Any problem/subproblem page can have a list of solutions given by the community. Upvoted solutions can be seen directly on the problem page. In the description of the solution, we will talk about how this solution works and its impacts of the solution. Users will be able to donate to a solution they believe in.

Issues created for Solution Page Epic below : No. User Story(Issue)
1 As a Contributor, I want to view top solutions for a particular problem so that I can make my decision quickly and efficiently. #38
2 As a Contributor, I want to upvote/downvote solutions so that I can show agreement/disagreement towards what community is posting and weigh in making a decision. #39
3 As an Editor, I want to add new solutions, so that I can contribute. #40
4 As an Editor, I want to edit a solution so that I can add more and the right content on pages. #41
5 As a Donor, I want to donate to a solution, so that I can support the solution I believe in. #42
6 As a Contributor, I want to view top contributors and donors so that I can view the profiles whose contributions are highest. #43