Objective-Earth / product-design

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Project Page Epic : Explained #73

Open UrvashiPanwar opened 2 years ago

UrvashiPanwar commented 2 years ago

The community members will be able to create a project and start raising money for the cause they care about. The project owner then will be able to use the money for solutions they want to implement and can hire other people for the 'boots on the ground' type of work.

Issues created for Project Page Epic below : No. User Story(Issue)
1 As a contributor, I want to view top projects in my regions so that I can decide where to contribute/donate. #46
2 As a Contributor, I want to upvote/downvote projects so that I can show agreement/disagreement towards what the community is posting and weigh in making a decision. #47
3 As an Editor, I want to create a new project so that I can raise money and hire people for my project #48
4 As an Editor, I want to edit a project so that I can rectify the content where required. #49
5 As a Contributor, I want to view top contributors and donors of my project so that I know which profiles are making the highest contributions #50
6 As an Editor, I want to add owners/ team members to this project so that I can add my current team who is working in this category #51
7 As an Editor, I want to Link a new problem with Project so that I can link a project with another problem that requires the same project #77
8 As a Donor, I want to Donate to Projects so that I can support Project #78