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Volunteer Jobs and Gigs Epic : Explained #74

Open UrvashiPanwar opened 2 years ago

UrvashiPanwar commented 2 years ago

Jobs and Gigs on the OE platform are volunteer tasks that any user can apply to do. Users request to go to the community members and once they approve users can start working on their tasks. A Verifier approves that the user's profile has completed tasks and the User's profile then gets reward points.

Issues created for Jobs and Gigs Epic below : No. User Story(Issue)
1 As a Donor, I want to view top volunteer jobs so that I can efficiently make decisions about where I should contribute. #52
2 As a Contributor, I want to upvote/downvote volunteer jobs so that I can show agreement/disagreement towards what the community is posting and weigh in making a decision. #53
3 As a Project Owner, I want to create new volunteer jobs so that I can hire people to with me my project. #54
4 As a Project Owner, I want to edit the description of a volunteer job so that I can contribute to phrasing a better volunteer Job description #55
5 As a Donor, I want to view top contributors and donors of volunteer Jobs so that I know which profiles are making the highest contributions #56
6 As a Contributor, I want to apply for a volunteer job so that I can contribute to this volunteer Job and project #57
7 As a Donor, I want to donate to the volunteer job so that I can support volunteer Job #58
8 As a Contributor, I want to view activity on volunteer jobs so that I know how active this volunteer Job and its members are. #59
9 As a Contributor, I want to view active volunteers who are working on this volunteer job so that I can see which profiles are working on this and get inspired by them. #60
10 As a Contributor, I want to view projects that are linked to this volunteer job so that I can view which projects are associated with this volunteer Job. #61