OchoaStdnt / SET09804-G4

Project repository for Group 4 members for SET09803 DevOps
Apache License 2.0
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This is the repository for SET09803-G4 DevOps

workflow GitHub Actions Workflow Status GitHub Actions Workflow Status LICENSE Releases

App Information:

NOTE: To run the app use docker-compose run app to get an interactive Menu.

Group Members:

Code of Conduct:

1. Teamwork and Collaboration

2. Roles and Responsibilities

3. Task Management and Tools

4. Code Quality and Reviews

5. Meeting Attendance via discord

6. Conflict Resolution

7. Deadlines and Deliverables

8. Contribution and Peer Assessment

9. Breach of Code of Conduct

By adhering to this code of conduct, we ensure a collaborative, respectful, and effective environment that fosters both individual and team success.

Requirement Met:

32 requirements of 32 have been implemented, which is 100%

Table of Requirements:

ID Name Met Screenshot
1 All Countries in World from largest to smallest Yes
2 All Countries by Continent (Asia) from largest to smallest Yes
3 All Countries by Region (Caribbean) from largest to smallest Yes
4 Top Populated Countries in World from largest to smallest Yes
5 Top Populated Countries by Continent (Asia) from largest to smallest Yes
6 Top Populated Countries by Region (Caribbean) from largest to smallest Yes
7 All Cities in World from largest to smallest Yes
8 All Cities by Continent (Asia) from largest to smallest Yes
9 All Cities by Region (Caribbean) from largest to smallest Yes
10 All Cities by Country (United States) from largest to smallest Yes
11 All Cities by District (Kabol) from largest to smallest Yes
12 Top Populated Cities in World from largest to smallest Yes
13 Top Populated Cities by Continent (Asia) from largest to smallest Yes
14 Top Populated Cities by Region (Caribbean) from largest to smallest Yes
15 Top Populated Cities by Country (United States) from largest to smallest Yes
16 Top Populated Cities by District (Kabol) from largest to smallest Yes
17 All Capital Cities in World from largest to smallest Yes
18 All Capital Cities by Continent (Asia) from largest to smallest Yes
19 All Capital Cities by Region (Caribbean) from largest to smallest Yes
20 Top Populated Capital Cities by World from largest to smallest Yes
21 Top Populated Capital Cities by Continent (Asia) from largest to smallest Yes
22 Top Populated Capital Cities by Region (Southeast Asia) from largest to smallest Yes
23 The population of people, people in Cities, and people not living in cities by each Continent Yes
24 The population of people, people in Cities, and people not living in cities by each Region Yes
25 The population of people, people in Cities, and people not living in cities by each Country Yes
26 The population of the World Yes
27 The population of a Continent (Asia) Yes
28 The population of a Region (Western Europe) Yes
29 The population of a Country (France) Yes
30 The population of a District (California) Yes
31 The population of a City (Tokyo) Yes
32 The population that speak Chinese, English, Hindi, Spanish, and Arabic Yes