Ockey12 / RAGESS

This is a tool for macOS that statically analyzes code bases implemented in Swift and visualizes their static structure.
MIT License
6 stars 0 forks source link

Setup for RAGESS developers

RAGESS is formatted by SwiftFormat.

The following configuration will allow SwiftFormat to run automatically when pushing to a remote repository.

If the file is modified by SwiftFormat, which is automatically executed when pushing, the push is blocked; the developer checks the file for changes, commits, and pushes again. If the file is not modified by SwiftFormat, the push is successful.

  1. Clone this project.
  2. Install SwiftFormat, if needed. For example, execute the following command.
    brew install swiftformat
  3. Go to the root directory of this project. For example, execute the following command.
    cd RAGESS
  4. Execute the following command to grant execute permission to setup-hooks.sh.
    chmod +x setup-hooks.sh
  5. To generate .git/hooks/pre-push, execute the following command.