OctopusDeploy / Octopus-TeamCity

| Public | JetBrains TeamCity plugin to trigger releases on build completion
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This plug-in allows TeamCity builds to trigger deployments in Octopus Deploy.

Get the plugin

Download the plugin from the Octopus Deploy downloads page or the JetBrains plugins downloads.

Installation and usage instructions are available in the Octopus Deploy documentation.


To build the plugin from code:

  1. Install the latest version of the JDK (plugin is build/runnable in Java-8 and above)
  2. Install TeamCity
  3. Run gradlew clean distZip
    The gradlew script will download Gradle for you if it is not already installed.
  4. The plugin is available at build/distributions/Octopus.TeamCity.<X.Y.Z>.zip (where X.Y.Z is the SemVer of the release, potentially including 'SNAPSHOT').

Editing and debugging in IntelliJ

  1. Set the following environment variables to enable debug into Server/Agent and also enable "devMode" in the server, which expedites development by allowing 'hot-reload' of both plugins and Java Server Pages (JSP files). It also ensures the new Octopus Step Vnext is available (feature flagged).
    1. TEAMCITY_SERVER_OPTS=-Dteamcity.development.mode=true -agentlib: jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:5011 -Denable.step.vnext=true
    2. TEAMCITY_AGENT_OPTS=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5010
  2. Install TeamCity locally to C:\TeamCity. Allow the service to start for the first time, and add an admin user. Then stop the service so it is not running.
  3. Give yourself full permissions to the Teamcity Data folder (usually C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity). This folder may be hidden.
  4. Import the Gradle project into IntelliJ.
  5. Two Run Configurations 'AttachToServer' and 'AttachToAgent' should already exist - and allow the IDE to connect to running, debug-enabled

Start a Teamcity server and agent manually, then install the built plugin via the administration-> plugins menu option.

You can then attach to the server/agent via the provided run-configurations, and step through the plugin code when build steps are configured (on server) or executed (on agent).

Build Server

The TeamCity Plugin uses Github actions for all CI/CD/Release operations.

Updating the version of Octopus CLI we embed

Note that OctopusCLI has been deprecated in favour of the newer CLI which is written in Go. Due to compatibility issues with the new CLI, this plugin should continue to use OctopusCLI.

If the Octopus CLI has changed such that we need to update the version we embed with the plugin the steps are as follows:

Using Docker

Some docker files have been provided to assist development for users who may not have all the prerequisite tooling available on their local machine for development. This process will currently be slower and does not provide the benefits of debugging at this point in time.

  1. Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.teamcity.yml up -d to allow the TeamCity server and agent spin up. This will take some time to initialize and will store the configuration files under ./docker-files. This will allow for both restarting the server without the full initialization and to pass in the Octopus plugin.
  2. Once the server has started navigate, to the instance via http://localhost:8111 and create an admin login (this setup only needs to take place once due to the configuration mount). Once the server starts up, navigate to Agents->Unauthorized and authorise the agent that was started in a container alongside the server.
  3. Build the plugin by running docker-compose -f docker-compose.build.yml up. This will use a gradle image, mount the current directory and invoke the gradlew command described above. At the end of the build the plugin will be copied into the TeamCity plugins directory created by the container in the previous step.
  4. Once the plugin has been built, you will need to restart the server by running (depending on your environment) docker restart octopus-teamcity_teamcity-server_1.
  5. When testing with a connection to an Octopus Server instance on your local host instance, you can use the special host.docker.internal route. e.g. http://host.docker.internal:8065

End-2-End Tests

An E-2-E testing suite has been created and can be executed by running ./gradlew e2eTest.

The test suite starts a (clean) OctopusDeploy server, then starts a TeamCity Server using a pre-canned data directory, populated with a project containing build configurations.

The teamcity-rest-client is then used to trigger a specific build in the project, and the test runner monitors the OctopusDeploy instance (via the java-sdk) to ensure expected resources are created - thus, the test-code understands the content of the pre-canned project/build being executed.

To create a new test the following must be performed:

Versioning, Releasing and Publishing


The gradle.properties specifies the version of the TeamCity plugin - typically with a "SNAPSHOT" postfix (which gives all local builds a SNAPSHOT version).

To create a release version:

  1. Update the version in gradle.properties to remove "-SNAPSHOT" postfix
  2. Create a PR in github for version increment, and merge once approved
  3. Create a Release in github
    • Create a new tag as part of release - tag name should match version in gradle.properties
    • The release/tag must reference the commit created in prior bullet point
    • Populate the 'Description' field of the release with changes since last
    • Save the release (do NOT check pre-release checkbox)
  4. Increment the version in gradle.properties, adding "-SNAPSHOT" postfix
  5. Create a PR in github for the increments, and merge once approved
  6. ... Develop features, then rinse and repeat.


Creating the release in github will trigger the release github action, which will build and test the release, before sending the built plugin zip file and creating a release in OctopusDeploy.

The created package can be published to the JetBrains Marketplace via [Octopus Deploy] (https://deploy.octopus.app). Specifically, when the TeamCity Plugin is promoted from "Components - Internal" to 'Components External', a script is executed which pushes the package to Jetbrains.