Offworld-Robotics / numbat_software

Off World Robotics NUMBAT Backend
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Write Basic PrePlanned path #12

Closed hjed closed 10 years ago

StephMc commented 10 years ago

Would this be done inside the husky simulator to start with?

hjed commented 10 years ago

Yeah, once I've got the code working to send message I'll close the other issue and start working on this

hjed commented 10 years ago

Ok, I'm going to be away tomorrow. To run this code you need to start the husky tasks as per the tutorial in the wiki. Source the catkin workspace in the git repo. Then run "rosrun beginner_tutorials navigator." The part that needs changing to make it more different directions is the msg.angular.x,y,z and msg.linear.x,y,z values. As it is badly documented we'll need to experiment to work out what makes it go which direction.