Offworld-Robotics / numbat_software

Off World Robotics NUMBAT Backend
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Large object placement #18

Closed StephMc closed 10 years ago

StephMc commented 10 years ago

Challenge description: The robot must transport a small emergency kit (weight ~1kg) to a fallen astronaut, the location of which is only approximately known within a square approximately 50m x 50m. GPS coordinates of the boundaries of this square, which will be within 500m of the control point, will be provided. The astronaut will be represented by a (empty) Marskin suit and helmet and will not be specially signposted. Machines will be evaluated in terms of their speed to locate the fallen astronaut without losing the package.

Design something to complete the above challenge that can be mounted on the husky ( Mounting on the front/back bull bars is an option. Please include any sensor feed back for the operators (they won't be able to see the husky).

Upload a design (can be on paper - take a picture of it) to the shared google drive and comment the link on this issue.

StephMc commented 10 years ago

This was completed and sent to Arkaroola but never tested due to time. It was known as the bucket design.