Offworld-Robotics / numbat_software

Off World Robotics NUMBAT Backend
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Create GUI #28

Closed hjed closed 9 years ago

hjed commented 10 years ago

We need a full GUI for controlling the robot, including GPS data and cameras. Suggestions include using inbuilt ROS gui library and using android tablets (more portable).

hjed commented 10 years ago

We decided to use OpenGLs GiGi ( gui toolkit as this only depends on openGL for the graphical interface, which we will run on a saber with a cheap screen. We designed a basic GUI interface which will be a video feed overlaid with other information displayed in a hud style over the top. The only buttons will be to chose the video feed. img_20140802_150028

hjed commented 10 years ago

Created new branch createGUI, for this issue.

hjed commented 10 years ago

Ok, we are going to try this toolkit now (depends on x11) or try writing a button function in glut. @sbt-tbs @YiweiHan

YiweiHan commented 10 years ago

fltk version 1.1 should be installed by default on ubuntu. The compile manual and example programs is in the pdf here: Basically compile using g++ with all these extra flags: -L/usr/local/lib -lfltk -lXext -lX11 -lm -lfltk -lXext -lX11 -lm -lfltk_forms -lfltk_gl -lfltk_images

YiweiHan commented 10 years ago

Try something like this for different types of buttons:

include <FL/Fl.H

include <FL/Fl_Window.H

include <FL/Fl_Box.H

include <FL/Fl_Button.H

include <FL/Fl_Check_Button.H

include <FL/Fl_Light_Button.H

include <FL/Fl_Repeat_Button.H

include <FL/Fl_Return_Button.H

include <FL/Fl_Round_Button.H

int main(int argc, char *argv) { Fl_Window window = new Fl_Window(1000,700);

Fl_Box *box = new Fl_Box(20,40,300,100,"Hello, World!");

Fl_Button *button = new Fl_Button(400, 300, 100, 100, "normal");
Fl_Light_Button *lbutton = new Fl_Light_Button(400, 400, 100, 100, "light");
Fl_Round_Button *rbutton = new Fl_Round_Button(700, 400, 100, 100, "round");

window->show(argc, argv);
return Fl::run();

} I'm not sure if overlay is possible with this though, but I haven't read through the entire manual yet.

sbt-tbs commented 10 years ago

glui an extension to glut may also be a possibility - see only depends on glut and opengl, but appears to have worse documentation than than FLtk, haven't yet tried it enough to decide how easy/not it is to use.

YiweiHan commented 10 years ago

@hjed @StephMc Are we able to use the ARM chip to test some simple code? I was thinking we should check for incompatibilities with the libraries we're using before it's too late.

hjed commented 10 years ago

I think we confirmed that they defiantly had opengl support, and its linux so if we only use core libraries it should be fine. Unfortunatly I won't be able to make it tomorrow, but you could probably use one of the sabers off the existing robot, but you'll have to talk to steph because I am not sure if they have graphics setup on them atm. (If they do you can test with one of the screens from the bluesat room). Also if you write any code tomorrow for the actual gui could you make sure in goes in the newGui branch of the git repo.

hjed commented 10 years ago


hjed commented 10 years ago

Using gstreamer opengl plugin. Install instructions: git clone git:// cd gst-plugins-gl sudo apt-get install autoconf autopoint gtk-doc-tool libglew1.6-dev libgstreamermm-0.10-dev git checkout --track origin/0.10 git fetch origin ./ make sudo make install

hjed commented 10 years ago

change line 250 in gst-plugins-gl/gst-libs/gst/gl/gstglwindow_x11.c so that it reads: gst_gl_window_new (guintptr external_gl_context)

line 445 to: guintptr

482: gst_gl_window_set_external_window_id (GstGLWindow * window, guintptr id)

(These are typdefs of the same thing but it fixes the compiler errors, devs probably used a different version of gcc)

hjed commented 10 years ago

So it looks like what we need to do is use either glimagesink or glupload classes to import the video data into opengl.

YiweiHan commented 10 years ago

Just a note, we've decided to stick with the glut implementation because it should be able to create the overlay effect we want. Also I found that FLTK requires a lot of class derivations to be effective, which would probably make everything tangled up.

sbt-tbs commented 10 years ago

Is there any current code using glimagesink or glupload at the moment, I can't find any? or is this the next step to be tested / attempted?

hjed commented 10 years ago

No. We spent a long time working out the best way to do this and how to install the gstreamer-opengl plugin. But we haven't got any code for that part yet.

sbt-tbs commented 10 years ago

okay, just wanted to make sure I wasn't just "not seeing it".

hjed commented 10 years ago

To setup on saber install: freeglut-dev3

hjed commented 10 years ago

Example using ffmpeg

hjed commented 10 years ago

gst and opengl example

hjed commented 10 years ago

setup catkin with gstreamer

hjed commented 10 years ago

Gstreamer build files: ./configure make make install ./configure make make install

StephMc commented 10 years ago

gstreamer install from source except find the 1.4 source instead of 1.2

YiweiHan commented 9 years ago

Sorry guys, I'm feeling sick so I won't be coming in today, but I will be trying to redraw the shapes on the gui to make them look fancier.

hjed commented 9 years ago

Install before bad plugins

hjed commented 9 years ago

TO use gstreamer: LD_LIB

hjed commented 9 years ago


hjed commented 9 years ago

gst-plugins-bad-1.4.1/tests/examples/gl/generic/cube test works.

sbt-tbs commented 9 years ago

according to: quote " people have also expressed the wish to grab the output in a pipeline and take care of the actual output inside their application. While either of these methods are strongly discouraged, GStreamer offers support for this. Beware! You need to know what you are doing. Since you don't have any support from a base class you need to thoroughly understand state changes and synchronization. If it doesn't work, there are a million ways to shoot yourself in the foot. It's always better to simply write a plugin and have the base class manage it. See the Plugin Writer's Guide for more information on this topic. Also see the next section, which will explain how to embed plugins statically in your application. " end quote, see original page So we need to write a gstreamer plugin it seems, unless I'm misunderstanding.

sbt-tbs commented 9 years ago

Revised goal, video as part of control gui is not necessary. Priority is playing video, if possible for control buttons to spawn separate window that plays video that is acceptable.

YiweiHan commented 9 years ago

I just hate that gstreamer is so complex.

hjed commented 9 years ago

Wasn't video the main purpose of the GUI? Seeing as we were going to implement controls separately... If we don't do it we might as well just create a small widget that shows the small amount of other data, rather than a fully fledged gui and use the inbuilt ros functionality for displaying video (it integrates with gstreamer).

On 20/09/2014 4:50 PM, Sean Thompson wrote:

Revised goal, video as part of control gui is not necessary. Priority is playing video, if possible for control buttons to spawn separate window that plays video that is acceptable.

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hjed commented 9 years ago

You are misunderstanding. The gl plugin is grabbing the output from the pipeline, we aren't grabbing it raw :) Sorry I wasn't there today, I was in Melbourne for Rovers (did say last week, but not sure if people remembered).

On 20/09/2014 3:04 PM, Sean Thompson wrote:

according to: quote " people have also expressed the wish to grab the output in a pipeline and take care of the actual output inside their application. While either of these methods are strongly discouraged, GStreamer offers support for this. Beware! You need to know what you are doing. Since you don't have any support from a base class you need to thoroughly understand state changes and synchronization. If it doesn't work, there are a million ways to shoot yourself in the foot. It's always better to simply write a plugin and have the base class manage it. See the Plugin Writer's Guide for more information on this topic. Also see the next section, which will explain how to embed plugins statically in your application. " end quote, see original page So we need to write a gstreamer plugin it seems, unless I'm misunderstanding.

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hjed commented 9 years ago

Yeah gstreamer is annoying, but I don't think we are going to find a simple solution to video short of showing it in a separate program (with the obvious disadvantages of that)

hjed commented 9 years ago

All that is required to show video without a gui is vlc and a button that executes a new process. We already had that working pretty much.

sbt-tbs commented 9 years ago

GStreamer documentation:

hjed commented 9 years ago

Ok, new plan is we are going to create a widget with the information on it that hovers over the top of vlc windows that have the video in

hjed commented 9 years ago

Created a new branch (widgetGui) which will have the code for this implementation so we can go back to the other one if we work out how to do it latter

hjed commented 9 years ago

New Design guidesign

sbt-tbs commented 9 years ago

If finding a segmentation fault involving the line ros::init(/parameters/); then the problem is likely actually use of global variables that clash with those used by ROS see issue #48 do not use global variables with identifiers battery signal but really don't use global variables at all

sbt-tbs commented 9 years ago

Current task Find how to play video from gstreamer with vlc

StephMc commented 9 years ago

YiweiHan commented 9 years ago

For future reference

YiweiHan commented 9 years ago

Remembered an issue that Yilser raised a few weeks ago, we might need to display multiple "targets" at once on the screen, and be able to dynamically create and delete targets, since we will have multiple sample/obstacle locations in the competition. We may need to rethink how the targets will be done in the code.

sbt-tbs commented 9 years ago

Suggested feature (courtesy Daniel): Mark route taken on map with colour code for angle off terrain. Near level one colour and other colour(s) for more steep terrain.

sbt-tbs commented 9 years ago

Move button code into class to clean up global namespace.